'Ards Rover' rose References
Book (2003) Page(s) 236. Large-Flowered Climbers. Bourbons and Hybrid Perpetuals. Ards Rover [Dickson, 1898]. The straggly habit, prickly stems, and tendency to mildew which characterise this popular and vigorous Hybrid Perpetual-type climber are all redeemed by the opulent, dark crimson flowers profusely borne in midseason and thereafter sporadically. They are large (12cm), substantial, double, and sweetly scented. When well grown, the foliage too is large and handsome.
Book (2002) Page(s) 22. Climbing Hybrid Perpetual. Not rated
Book (2000) Page(s) 90. Includes photo(s). ‘Ards Rover’ = Hybride Remontant. Cramoisi velouté, la grande fleur globuleuse… roulotte en pointe ses pétales raides autour d’un cœur un peu confus, surtout en fin d’épanouissement. Fortement parfumée, elle excelle en vase… tendance sarmenteuse… Assez lent à s’établir, il forme ensuite un sujet vigoureux… se plaît à la mi-ombre, où il fleurit tout l’été. La presqu’île d’Ards, en Irlande du Nord, est le berceau de la maison Dickson. Dickson, UK, 1898.
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 27. Ards Rover Climbing Hybrid Perpetual, crimson, shaded maroon, 1898, Dickson, A. Description.
Book (Feb 1993) Page(s) 117. Ards Rover Hybrid Perpetual Botanical grouping: CHinensis Northern Ireland 1898 ... rich crimson, strongly fragrant and shapely flowers and abundant dark green foliage... Repeat flowering... Unless long shoots are being tied down, prune back strongly after flowering...
Book (1991) Page(s) 204. Ards Rover A. Dickson, 1898. Hybrid Perpetual. [An extensive compilation of original sources.] The word 'Rover' means 'Rambler'... the Ards Peninsula, where the introducer resides...
Article (website) (1982) Page(s) 9. Ards Rover (CIg. Hybrid Perpetual) An excellent old pillar rose. Shapely crimson flowers with a strong scent. A good, medium climber, occasionally recurrent.1898. (S) 15 x 10'
Article (magazine) (Dec 1951) Page(s) 206. Ards Rover Description... reddish crimson deepening to glossy maroon...
Book (1943) Page(s) 62. J. M. Forsyth, NZ. Climbing Roses. Ards Rover grown from a cutting, has a stem 6 1/2 Inches circ., and three inches from the ground branches off into strong boughs in fan shape. It blooms more freely than any of the other large red flowering climbers, When fully bloomed it is inclined to blue, but not so much as some of the exhibition reds, including Crimson Glory.
Book (1940) Page(s) 11. Ards Rover Climbing Hybrid Perpetual. (A. Dickson 1898)... crimson, shaded maroon...