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'Forever Young' rose References
Magazine  (2001)  Page(s) 64.Vol 95, Part 2.  Includes photo(s).
Dickson Nurseries advertisement.
Three new Gold Medal winners from Dickson Nurseries.  Forever Young (Jacimgol). Golden amber Flori. Early flowering and very floriferous. A light but definite fragrance,  Gold Medal RNRS Trials.
Magazine  (May 2000)  Page(s) 28.  Includes photo(s).
p28, Treloar Roses advertisement. New Releases from Treloar roses. 'Golden Girl' (floribunda).

p45. 'Golden Girls'. Named by Geoff Swane..... Height 1.5m. Width 1-1.5m. Swanes Nursery.....
Book  (2000)  Page(s) 117.  
Geoff Swane. Swane’s New Rose Introductions for 2000
Golden Girls (JACimgol) Floribunda. Awarded a Certificate of Merit for the top Floribunda in 1999 at the National Rose Trial Garden of Australia. This rose was named by Geoff Swane to honour the many achievements of Australia's sporting women, truly 'Golden Girls'. Pointed buds of amber-copper, fully open through copper to yellow, maturing in tones of light amber. Only slight fragrance is compensated by the floriferous nature of the bush which is medium to tall with dark-green, glossy foliage of excellent disease resistance
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