'Cheerio' rose References
Book (19 Apr 2000) Page(s) 81. 'CHERRIO', F, mp, 1948; (Planten un Blomen); Description; [Holstein X Sapho]; Kordes
Book (1962) Page(s) 23. Dr. A. S. Thomas. New Roses in Victoria. Planten un Blomen Florib. (Kordes, 1948) Three inch semi-double, two-tone pink florets in panicles of about a dozen. The colour seems to me to be hard and unattractive - others may like it. Also the florets are very big. Vigorous plants.
Book (1958) Page(s) 56. Cheerio (Planten un Blomen in Germany). Floribunda. (Kordes '48.) Holstein X Sapho. Large (3 in.), semi-dbl., light pink, reverse darker. Vig., bushy. (28)
Magazine (Feb 1951) Page(s) 1. trimester, p. 23. Registration internationale de roses nouvelles... Nom original Planten un Blomen Nom modifié Cheerio
Magazine (1948) Page(s) 2. trimester, p.25. Variétés qui ne peuve être classifiées par suite de l'insuffisance d'indications sur leur parentage Fleurs en corymbes.... Cheerio
Article (misc) (1945) Page(s) 183. Cheerio Hybrid Polyantha. Pink. (Kordes 1940; introduced to the US by Dreer 1940).