'Garden and Home' rose Photos
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October 6, 2024, Zone 7a, Provo, Utah, USA
Uploaded 6 OCT |
Zone 6a Marblehead, Massachusetts in large container. Fall bloom. Hoping this plant survives the winter. Any advice appreciated. This plant rose was an all star in my garden. She bloomed early and all Summer into October. I adore her!
1 favorite vote.
Uploaded 19 NOV 23 |
Uploaded 25 MAY |
Zone 6a Marblehead, Massachusetts in large container. Fall bloom. Hoping this plant survives the winter. Any advice appreciated. This plant rose was an all star in my garden. She bloomed early and all Summer into October.
Uploaded 19 NOV 23 |
south texas 9b. ordered potted from home depot online, grafted. lovely blooms and delicious fragrance
Uploaded 15 MAY |
10/21/23 The fall growth made this bush reach for the sky! Albuquerque NM, Zone 7A, Hot and Dry, No Spray
Uploaded 22 OCT 23 |
Zone 6a Marblehead, Massachusetts in large container. Fall bloom. Hoping this plant survives the winter. Any advice appreciated. This plant rose was an all star in my garden. She bloomed early and all Summer into October. I adore her!
Uploaded 19 NOV 23 |
Twilight pic 10/21/23. Albuquerque NM, Zone 7A, Hot and Dry, No Spray
1 favorite vote.
Uploaded 22 OCT 23 |
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