'Billy Boiler' rose Photos
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From the Armstrong Nurseries (California) catalogue for 1937, page 57.
Uploaded 23 JUN 20 |
Smaller, darker and more double than 'Scorcher', with much more obviously Hybrid Tea foliage. Alister Clark Memorial Rose Garden, Bulla, 19-10-2014.
Uploaded 19 OCT 14 |
Detail from an advertisement by Armstrong Nurseries in the 'Sunset Magazine (The Pacific Monthly)' December 1933, page 21. Also advertising 'Mrs. Sam McGredy' and 'Autumn', the accompanying text reads: "Three Brilliant New Roses. Quite new and very rare as yet in Pacific Coast gardens, three of the finest roses ever introduced. [...] BILLY BOILER A startling new Australian Rose of rich scarlet on unbelievably long four-foot stems, unfading in the hottest sun and deliciously fragrant."
Uploaded 18 JAN 20 |
The red is too hot for the camera. Alister Clark Memorial Rose Garden, Bulla, Victoria
1 favorite vote.
Uploaded 19 NOV 13 |
Magnificently rich velvet red faintly approximated by the camera. Bulla 11 October 2015.
Uploaded 23 OCT 15 |
At Melville's nursery, West Australia
3 favorite votes. |
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