'Duc de Bragance' rose References
Newsletter (Nov 2012) [From "Bread, Equality, and Roses", by Darrell g.h. Schramm, pp. 2-7] The hybrid perpetual rose ‘Duc de Bragance’ was bred by Verdier’s oldest son in 1886, ostensibly in honor of the Duke’s marriage. ....The tenth issue of Journal des Roses mentions that ‘Duc de Bragance’ “has a habit all its own,” but that habit is not described. Perhaps that refers to its early and prolific bloom. After nine months, planted on its own roots, mine was already three and a half feet high and had put forth at least 18 large flowers, lusciously rich of scent and impervious to rain. The journal goes on to describe its brown canes as quite upright with “thorns strong, straight, blackish.” The reddish green leaves are deeply but irregularly toothed—like that of Leveque’s ‘Comte de Paris’. The large, globular, full blooms sometimes flower in a cluster of two or three, and hold up well. The color is described as “poppy red, strongly illuminated with violet.” Actually, mine is more burgundy in hue.
Book (1936) Page(s) 103. de Bragance, Duc (HP) E. Verdier 1886; poppy-red, shaded violet, large, double, globular, fine form and habit, cluster-flowered, growth 7/10.
Website/Catalog (1907) Page(s) 72. Hybrid perpetuals. Duc de Bragance (Eug. Verdier 1887) deep red, shaded violet
Magazine (Jun 1902) Page(s) 83. NÉCROLOGIE - EUGÈNE VERDIER Rosiers Mis au Commerce par Eugène Verdier. Duc de Bragance: Hybride Remontant, 1886.
Book (1902) Page(s) 135. Hybrides Remontants. Groupe J. — Charles Lefebvre Ainsi que nous le disons plus haut, les rosiers de ce groupe ont beaucoup d'analogie avec ceux du précédent [Mme Victor Verdier groupe]. Rameaux brunâtres, lisses, aiguillons gros, rares; feuille très grande; fleur pleine, imbriquée, de coloris foncés variant du rouge au rouge noir. 4509. Duc de Bragance... (E. Verdier 1886)... ponceau violet.
Book (1899) Page(s) 53. Duc de Bragance, HR, E. Verdier, 1886, ponceau et violet.
Book (1889) Page(s) 183. Hybrid Perpetuals. Duc de Bragance (Eug. Verdier). Blooms are in clusters, large, double, globular, fine form and habit. New colouring, violet shaded deep red. Vigorous, and peculiar habit, the slim, strong, firm upright canes are brown and armed with straight blackish prickles. The leaves consist of 3-5 elliptical, reddish green, irregularly serrated leaflets. Very beautiful variety.
Magazine (1886) Page(s) 85. Rosiers Nouveaux 1886-1887. Rosiers Hybrides Remontants. Duc de Bragance (E. Verdier fils aîné) , rouge ponceau, grande , très-belle variété.