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'Haidee' rose References
Article (misc)  (22 Jul 2009)  
Dr Frank Leith Skinner papers.

Haidee. Rosa laxa hybrid, shrub to six feet, small dark green leaves wood red sometimes very thorny; flowers large, cup shaped, double, clear pink with a cream centre. Seasonal bloom.
Book  (2007)  
'Haidee shrub, pink blend, Skinner. R. laxa x (R. spinosissima x unknown) Includes description.
Book  (1967)  Page(s) 49.  
Some All-Canadian Roses
by Fred Blakeney, Victoria, B.C.
Now we come to the Dean of Canadian Hybridizers in the person of Dr. Frank L. Skinner of Dropmore, Manitoba, who has been hybridizing roses and other plants for over sixty years. [...]
Other originations followed in succession, the chief ones being:
"Haidee", R. laxa hybrid. Flowers large, double, light pink, with cream centre. Height six feet with non-recurrent bloom.
Website/Catalog  (1954)  Page(s) 10.  
Haidee - (Greek term for "Beautiful One") - A laxa, spinosissima hybrid shrub rose raised at Dropmore, grows to a height of five feet, neat foliage resembling the Scotch roses, 3 inch cup-shaped double flowers in June-July, followed by large showy dark red fruits. The color is a clear pink with a paler centre. Each....$2.00
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