'Great Western' rose Reviews & Comments
Available from - High Country Roses
I know it mentions shade and poor soil tollerance for this rose in the references, but catalogues often list this as needing full sun. What are your experiences of it in your own gardens?
I collected one as a road- verge survivor, where it was growing under pine trees - probably got a little afternoon sun, and was quite small. (Strathalbyn Rd provenance in Patricia's photos). I have two from that plant, one in full sun, and one where it gets late afternoon shade. It's a tall arching shrub-climber in garden conditions here (zone 9b), taller in good soil, 2.1m and more. Best espaliered. Tends to proliferate. I'll post photos in a couple of weeks.
Hi Margaret, thats great, thank you. I look forward to seeing it in all its glory in your photos.
Does anyone else find that it tends to proliferate a lot?
I should add: it's very prickly. See Patricia's photo.
Oh, that would be ok, thorniness not too big a deal - it would be going somewhere that was off the beaten track. The place I'm thinking of is about 2.5 feet in front of a 7 foot conifer hedge, dry, poorish soil, partially under the very edge of a Magnolia's canopy, with full sun up until around 12 or 1pm, then shady for the most part of the rest of the day, unless the odd ray gets over the hedge top. Would it be quite happy in those sorts of conditions? I suppose if it can survive being under Pine trees on the edge of a road it probably can. It's one of a few contenders for the spot, others being Bourbon Queen, Coupe d'Hebe, Baronne Prevost and a couple of others. Would one of them be better suited do you think?
Or does it really sound too bad for any of the roses!
I have three plants, all on their own roots and they do sucker. They are never watered. Full sun (Provenance Ross Roses (as Cardinal de Richelieu-1; Sandie Maclean-2;) Full shade (Provenance Ron Duncan-1; PT-2;) Morning shade, afternoon sun (Provenance Strathalbyn Rd.)
The full sun and full shade are both on poor soil. They still do OK. The morning shade and afternoon sun does much better but the site was where a neighbour dumped a tractor bucket full of cow manure for me probably in about 2000.
I feel 'Great Western' is the best rose for your site.
Thank you Patricia, that's really helpful.
Does this rose sucker if grown on its own roots?
#1 of 5 posted
2 FEB 11 by
Oh, yes - it surely does! But not that much as a gallica may do...
Thank you - that's useful information both for planning planting, and for identifying foundlings.
#3 of 5 posted
5 MAY 17 by
margaret did you try this rose and dd yo like it/
I found it as a roadside rose. It's spring-only, which is a limitation in a Mediterranean climate, but good when it's flowering. In good garden conditions it's a vigorous prickly shrub-climber. Sometimes proliferates.
#5 of 5 posted
8 MAY 17 by
proflierates? oh my prolifera de redoute from old north cemetary in hartford ct has yet to do that, nor have her sisters in CT,,,,kind of a Ct rose society standard! can't wait to see just hope we don't get gypsy moths and rosette disease!
The Gardeners' Chronicle May 27, 1843 (355-356) To some of these Bourbon Roses, which bear seed very freely, we owe a new race, now distinguished as hybrid Bourbons, blooming but once in the summer; but their season of blooming is prolonged, owing to their origin in part from Roses that continue to bloom till autumn. Most undoubtedly these will form the finest of all standards, as their habit is so remarkably robust; one variety in particular I anticipate will, if budded on large stocks of the Dog-rose, soon form a large umbrageous tree. This unique and splendid Rose was raised by Monsieur Laffay from Celine, and has been named by him, the Great Western—laughably spelt in some of the French catalogues "Grande Wistern," a name the origin of which I have no doubt has puzzled many a French gardener. This Rose has leaves and shoots of astonishing luxuriance, and flowers of a deep and peculiar red, rivalling the largest Paeonies in size; a standard or a bush of this Rose, highly cultivated, will form one of the wonders of the Rosery. It should be budded on a very stout stock, otherwise the plant will soon become top-heavy: in mentioning this, I am reminded that cultivators often do not pay enough attention to the habits of their Roses when selecting stocks for them. Stout old stocks should always have some robust-growing varieties worked on them, for if a tea-scented or some delicate-growing Bourbon Rose is worked on a large stock, the sap is engendered faster than it can be taken away by the bud; many shoots are consequently repeatedly taken off; the producers of sap, the fibrous roots, then rot and die away; the sap-vessels close, and the plant, after languishing a season or two, also dies; therefore, on all large stocks the cultivator should bud the most luxuriant-growing varieties, such as the above and some of the following, which rival the Great Western in vigour of growth, and surpass most Roses in the beauty of their flowers.
Thank you for taking the time to share this information.
#2 of 3 posted
1 MAR 12 by
Cà Berta
This reference reports some information about the parentage (Celine)
#3 of 3 posted
1 MAR 12 by
Thank you CybeRose and Cà Berta, parentage added.