'LENgravi' rose Reviews & Comments
I'd say it's a warm lilac-pink, I don't see apricot in the bloom's coloring, it does have a light face powder rose scent. It's blooms are about 2 inches across, and are charming for a cottage garden.
May 23, 2012: almost all the leaves of the younger plant have fallen off from blackspot.
From reading Cliff Orent's information, this rose was named for the Countess Nanda d'Ursel in honor of Graaf Michel d'Ursel. Gravin Nanda d'Ursel worked to restore the rose gardens at Castle Hex. Gravin is Belgian or Dutch for Countess, and Graaf for Count. http://www.hex.be/hex.taf?IdNav=3&type=gravin
"Gravin Michel d'Ursel" is also available from RosesUnlimitedownroot.com