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'92/2234-1' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 79-273
most recent 30 JUN 14 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 30 JUN 14 by Puns 'n' Roses
I think this is quite an underestimated rose. Pas de Deux is extremely shade tolerant, growing up a north-facing wall and getting NO direct sunlight AT ALL 365 days a year due to surrounding walls, she has grown to a height of 3.5 metres in her first year in the ground (which is half-way up the wall). She has formed one long, super sturdy cane, from which she grows thick laterals with clusters of fragrant and colour-changing flowers in a wide array of hues (buds are a warm peachy orange-yellow, fade to bright yellow, then apricot, followed by white, which will develop pink spots in rain). Pas de Deux is one of the healthiest roses in my organic, no spray garden, second only to New Dawn and The Fairy.
I will plant her on an east-facing wall as well, in direct sunlight, which will heat up tremendously, and see how she performs there!
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