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"Georgetown Tea" rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 54-361
most recent 21 MAY 11 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 21 MAY 11 by anonymous-723819
"Georgetown Tea." I too thought this rose was Mme Lambard by comparison with a photo; others now say it's Mme Antoine Mari, but it seems to me on slight evidence that the Mari has fewer petals than this not-full rose..A final, probably faulty conclusion is that it's a sport or seedling from Mme Lambard.
Plan plenty of room for this monster. It has many of the virtues attributed to it: flowers large and many, health, ease of propagation (this an accident--it touched the ground & a new plant started). No need to spray. The flowers are almost 'full', this not showing the strong fragrance ascribed in other mss here.
The best flower colors come in autumn. Not a show rose, too few petals.
In about 15 years mine grew 20' across (it grows along a stone terrace), by about 10'. It covered a Japanese maple on the terrace below it--one I disliked (wrong plant, wrong place)--, its roots probably were the killer of a nice Mons. Tillier, and was impenetrable beneath, sheltering a grove of pokeweed, hellebore which self-seeds mercilessly, a 3' volunteer ailanthus, and other interlopers.. While its thorns are ordinary in length and number, there was too much of it to escape a good stabbing, so that after gardening your skin looked like you had measles. I age. I can't dance around it or play Tarzan, must simplify. This year I cut it to the ground.
However: If you live in a warm climate, want a huge Tea plant with lots of flowers as a center yardpiece, esp. Spring and Fall, just to one-up the neighbor's new magnolia, & not really planning to be a constant gardiner, try Georgetown Tea.
Discussion id : 43-153
most recent 15 MAR 10 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 15 MAR 10 by Carlene
My Georgetown tea is definitely a bullet-proof rose. It is now about 6 ft. by 6 ft and very sturdy and strong - almost tree-like. I wouldn't even be able to dig it up if I wanted to - I would need a bulldozer! I get compliments on the beautiful flush of 100 or more roses in the spring time. There must be something in my clay soil that grows such huge tea roses! Also it is very healthy and never any disease or insect problems, and very drought tolerant. I'm so glad I planted it!!!!
Reply #1 of 1 posted 15 MAR 10 by HMF Admin
Thanks for sharing your experience
Discussion id : 25-796
most recent 24 DEC 09 SHOW ALL
Initial post 28 APR 08 by Cass
I believe that "Sawyer Plot Tea" and "Georgetown Tea" are both 'Mme Lambard.' From plants growing in my own garden, I have compared the canes, armature, blooms, foliage, growth habit, petals and stamens of the three varieties. I find no difference. Variation in color and bloom form made the match more difficult initially, but now further confirms the attribution. All three roses show the same variations. I have posted some photos for comparison to each rose on HMF. I cannot locate my photo of the petals of Mme Lambard, but I will post one soon.

The leaves have small prickles on the reverse of the rachis. Canes are burgundy and glaucous in new growth. Flowers occur singly and in clusters of up to four blooms and have 45-50 petals, which have a distinct sulfur yellow center. The blooms have nice Tea scent. The warmer the climate, the more vigorous the plant.
Reply #1 of 6 posted 11 MAR 09 by Maurizio Usai
Hi Cass,
This is also my own opinion.
Reply #2 of 6 posted 12 MAR 09 by jedmar
It would be good to get a further opinion from Vintage Gardens, who differentiate this Found Tea from Mme Lambard due to missing coffee tones (see Mme Lambard photo of Billy Teabag). Otherwise, the similarity is indeed striking.
Reply #3 of 6 posted 13 MAR 09 by Cass
I bought "Georgetown Tea" from two different nurseries: Chamblees in Texas and Vintage Gardens. The Vintage Gardens rose is a different rose from the Chamblees rose, which may be the result of a labeling error.

The Vintage "Georgetown Tea" (which I also photographed in the Vintage Gardens display garden) is lilac-pink rose, loosely double, without any of the copper coloring of Mme Lambard, with far fewer petals, forming wider, looser blooms with imbricated petals. I am trying to track down this discrepancy.
Reply #4 of 6 posted 18 DEC 09 by billy teabag
Have you found anything more to shed light on why there are two roses going by the name "Georgetown Tea" Cass? Could it be as simple as two different foundlings from Georgetown being given the same study name?
I'm fairly sure the "Georgetown Tea" we saw in the Heritage Rose Garden in San Jose in Spring 05 was the non-Mme Lambard one with lilac-pink blooms - I don't think it was one of the guises of 'Mme Lambard'.
Reply #5 of 6 posted 23 DEC 09 by Cass
The only information I have is that the rose in the San Jose Heritage Rose Garden came from Vintage Gardens. The source location is listed as Georgetown, Texas.

Chamblees has sent me a number of roses under erroneous names over the years. Judging from the picture of this rose on its website, I suspect "Chamblee's Georgetown Tea" is another.
Reply #6 of 6 posted 24 DEC 09 by billy teabag
Thanks Cass.
Discussion id : 25-828
most recent 29 APR 08 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 29 APR 08 by Carlene
Madame Lombard is one solid color - but Georgetown Tea is a mixture of about three colors - dark, medium and light pink.
Reply #1 of 1 posted 29 APR 08 by Cass
Actually, that's not my observation after seeing images of Mme. Lombard here in California, in Australia and in France. Mme. Lombard is a mixture of colors, often opening pink with creamy apricot centers to clear pink, with deep pink, almost violet outer petals, aging to cerise. In higher temperatures, Mme. Lombard shows more apricot and copper coloring. The extreme compression of images on HMF often removes the subtleties of copper coloring, but you can see the range of colors on the pages of photos of Mme. Lombard.
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