'François Michelon' rose References
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 190. Hybrid Perpetual (OGR), mauve, 1871, 'La Reine' seedling; Levet, A. Flowers deep rose tinged lilac, full, globular, large; fragrant; foliage somewhat wrinkled; upright.
Book (Jun 1992) Page(s) 131. François Michelon Hybrid Perpetual. Levet, 1871. Seedling of 'La Reine'. [Author cites information from different sources.] Fine deep rose, reverse of petals silvery-white... cerise-red with ashy shadings... Deep rose, tinged with lilac... thorns not numerous... One of the finest roses for exhibition...
Book (1974) Page(s) 141. 'La Reine' ....blooms early and repeats well, a feature noticeable in its seedlings, 'Anna de Diesbach’ (1858) and 'Francois Michelon’ 1891) . Both are in varying shades of pink. Plant-wise too, they show close affinity to ‘La Reine’, but with a deeper cup and a lesser petallage than ‘La Reine' which averages 78, they are less inclined to ball in damp conditions. They have inherited the same damask fragrance which they transmitted to their progeny.
Article (magazine) (Dec 1951) Page(s) 209. Francois Michelon Description... rosy red shaded bright carmine...
Book (1936) Page(s) 477. Michelon, François (HP) Levet 1870; La Reine X ? ; vivid cherry-pink, shaded poppy-red, reverse silvery white, large, double, globular, fine form, growth 6/10.
Book (1935) Page(s) 177, 181. Page 177: Antoine Levet, of Lyons, France, gave the world 'Paul Neyron' in 1869, and the more choice but less-prevailing François Michelon in 1871. Page 181: François Michelon... large deep-rose-colored blooms [Keays wasn't certain this rose belongs with the Hybrid Perpetuals]
Website/Catalog (1914) Page(s) 12. Hybrid Perpetual Roses. Francois Michelon, Levet, 1871, vigorous. Deep rose; very large, full; a grand flower.
Book (1910) Page(s) 192, 285. François Michelon among the best roses of 1871... Hybrid Perpetual; flowers deep rose, the reverse of the petals silvery, large, full, and globular; growth vigorous. One of the best. Raised by M. Levet at Lyons. Introduced in 1871.
Book (1906) Page(s) 62. 4.047. François Michelon, Hybride Remontant, Levet 1870 rose vif
Book (1899) Page(s) 67. François Michelon, HR, Levet, 1871, rouge foncé