'CACOR 550' rose References
Website/Catalog (2012) Page(s) 307. Includes photo(s). Amistad Sincera, synonym: Sincera, Camprubí, 1963, H.T., pure white, vigorous shrub with long and strong canes, large pointed buds which opens slowly to a magnificent and elegant bloom, 55 petals, high-centered, large cup shape, produces continuously a large quantity of blooms, large serrated and ondulated foliage, copper-green and very decorative, Alaska X Virgo, well-branched, bibliography: C 60 - MCF 10
Book (19 Apr 2000) Page(s) 12. 'Amistad Sincera', HT, w, 1963 (Sincera) ... description
Magazine (Sep 1957) Page(s) 3. trimester, p. 17. PALMARES DU 2ème CONCOURS INTERNATIONAL DE ROSES NOUVELLES DE MADRID — 21 JUIN 1957 ...1er CERTIFICAT : Au rosier à grande fleur, blanc pur, No Cacor 550. Obtenteur : M. C. Camprubi Nadal, Espagne.