'Esmé Euvrard' rose References
Book (2007) Page(s) 147. 'Korelgas', HT, lp, 1992 (Esme Euvrard), Kordes; flowers tend to light pink, petals creped, 4-4 1/2 in., dbl., borne mostly single, upright, tall (4 ft.) growth; int. in 1992
Book (2003) Page(s) Table 2. Awards by Rose Garden of Le Roeulx...1994...Gold Medal, 'Esme Euvrard', Floribunda, Kordes
Book (Dec 1998) Page(s) 226. Esme Euvrard (KORelgas) Hybrid Tea. Kordes (Germany) 1992. Description... Named for a popular South African radio personality... a popular exhibition rose...
Parentage listed as "hybrid of Brides Dream"