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'Golden Vision' rose References
Magazine  (Feb 2010)  Page(s) Vol 22, No. 1.  
John Nieuwesteeg: 'Golden Vision' was discovered in the west by Rose Marsh, a Heritage Roses in Australia member and Co-ordinator. We first made 'Golden Vision' available in 1992 - a very worthwhile addition to our AC collection.
Article (misc)  (2008)  Page(s) Unpublished.  
Golden Vision HG my 1922 Bred S/Dbl. Marechal Niel x R.gigantea Clark A.
Magazine  (2006)  Page(s) 16. Vol 28, No. 2.  
Lilia Weatherly. New Roses.....I have used 'Golden Vision' as both a seed and pollen parent and have a variety of interesting seedlings from it. 'Golden Vision' flowers at a time when there are few other roses. I notice in the 2005 Rose Annual David Ruston says his flowers in August for about 6 weeks. Mine is flowering now, April and will flower off and on until about November. I can usually produce an arrangement of it to put into the Daffodil Show in August. This difference must be due to the climate as we are much colder here than David is, in South Australia. I am hoping that some of its seedlings will flower through the winter too.
Book  (2003)  Page(s) 40.  
‘Golden Vision’ (Clark, introduced by National Rose Society of Victoria, 1922).
Book  (1999)  Page(s) 41.  
Golden Vision. Clark. Australia. 1922. Climber. Yellow. (Available from): Cottage, Golden Vale, Gretchen, Lyn Park, Melville, Rose Arbour, Roses Galore, Spring Park, Thomas.
Book  (Dec 1998)  Page(s) 281.  
‘Golden Vision’. Modern, large-flowered climber. Medium yellow. Neither of the parents of this rose is very hardy, so would-be growers need to be living in a warm climate like that of its country of origin, where it is still commercially available. It is one of many crosses made by Alister Clark using the vigorous Rosa gigantea. It is a strong arching grower that carries semi-double blooms that open yellow and fade almost white. They are beautifully formed with thin petals, with the outside ones reflexing almost flat and the rest creating a confused pattern of their own in the heart of the flower. There is a pleasant scent, but the plants are limited to just one copious flowering each year, in late spring. The leaves are coppery when young. Zones 6-10. Clark, Australia, 1922. ‘Marechal Niel’ x Rosa gigantea.
Website/Catalog  (1997)  Page(s) 28.  
Golden Vision. Climber. 1922. Flowers early in the season. As the name suggests the blooms are golden-yellow in colour. Very vigorous.
Website/Catalog  (1997)  Page(s) 9.  
Golden Vision (Hybrid Gigantea) 1922. Alister Clark. A strong-growing Spring-flowering climber with large fully-double yellow roses fading to creamy white.
Book  (1997)  
p14. I once grew it (Veilchenblau) in company with Alister Clark’s pale creamy yellow R. gigantea hybrid ‘Golden Vision’. This combination was such a delight……

p236 Roses for growing up trees: Golden Vision. Alister Clark rose. Pale yellow, double fragrant. 10 x 3 m Flowers in spring.
Book  (1997)  Includes photo(s).
p155 ….and here too, I planted one of Alister Clark’s R. gigantea hybrids, ‘Golden Vision’. Its other parent was the well-loved Noisette rose, ‘Marechal Niel’, and its semi-double flowers are just the same shade of pale creamy-yellow. On opening they fade to nearly white. Like all the R. gigantea hybrids it grows rapidly.

p199…..I planted Alister’s ‘Golden Vision’ at the foot of an old plum tree alongside the steps and another at the foot of a silver birch. They are covered in spring with great semi-double pale yellow roses which fade to nearly white.

p204 ….For it is with the second generation bred from R. gigantea that his success was achieved. The first generation crosses – ….. and Golden Vision’ – glorious as they are, and worthy of a place in any large garden – bloom only in the spring.

p226-227 Picture. 'Golden Vision'

p251 ‘Golden Vision’ – 1922. R. gigantea x ‘Marechal Niel’. Semi-double, fragrant blooms of Marechal Niel yellow fading to nearly white. Still at Glenara.
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