'Comtesse de Noghera' rose References
Book (Jun 1992) Page(s) 64. Comtesse de Noghera Tea. Nabonnand, 1902. From 'Reine Emma des Pays-Bas' (Tea) x 'Paul Nabonnand' (Tea). The author cites information from different sources... delicate salmon pink...
Book (1938) Page(s) 26. from 'A Walk Around "Glenara" ' by Alister Clark
Further down a bed contains many ‘Sunny South’, ten footers shaded by an old Dutch monstrous Medlar, and trying to outgrow it. ‘Frau Rose Benary’ and ‘Gruss An AAchen’ have ‘Anna Chartron’ and ‘Comtesse de Noghera’ as company, and ‘Borderer’ edges the bed. Nearby two fine bushes of seedlings from Gigantea entwine and are quite a sight in spring.
Book (1936) Page(s) 44. from 'Random Reflections' by Alister Clark.
On my return to “Glenara” [in autumn] my Roses seemed very small after those of New Zealand, but either they have improved very much since the four inches of rain that fell at the end of March or my eyes have got used to them, as they now seem quite large enough and of beautiful colouring. I wonder which Rose is the most free, and I picture a contest between Lorraine Lee, Contesse de Noghera, Sunny South, Busybody and Anne Leygues being almost a dead-heat
Book (1936) Page(s) 515. de Noghera, Comtesse (tea) Nab. 1902; R. Emma P.B. X P. Nabonnand, delicate salmon-pink, centre vivid, very large, very double, fine form and habit, fragrance 6/10, floriferous, growth 8/10. Sangerhausen
Book (1929) Page(s) pp19-20. NEGLECTED ROSES. by ALISTER CLARK, “Glenara,” Bulla, Victoria. I have great hopes that by telling of a number of roses that have somehow got overlooked, I may be able to save from oblivion and extinction some, at any rate, of those I mention. Many of these roses will disappear from Australia, and probably from all Europe, unless a determined effort is made to insure that they be cared for by individual growers or in public reserves, as nurserymen cannot afford to stock varieties that are not in demand. Some of those in my lists cannot even now be obtained unless the buds are sent to the nurserymen from some private garden. It is of course, inevitable that many fine roses will be neglected, want of space, increased expense of gardening, lack of knowledge of all the varieties, and a too ready acceptance of the value of prize blooms as displayed at the shows being some of the causes for this neglect. I do not suggest that nearly all the roses even now in commerce are worth preserving, and we must all discard roses that fail us after fair trial. However, there are many sorts that have not had a chance, and it is to these that I wish to draw attention. [included in the list of 'old roses that should not be lost' is] Comtesse de Noghera
Book (1924) Page(s) 121-124. The Story of the Gigantea Hybrids by Alister Clark
Of the older roses I still grow La France, Zephirine Drouhin, Socrates (for its scent), Gloire de Rosomanes, Souv. de David d’Angirs, Mme. Alfred Carrière, Prince Camille de Rohan, Capitaene Millet, Comtesse Dusy, Princesse de Radziwill, Louis Tarboreich, Maréchal Niel, Frau Oberhofgartner Singer, Frau Rose Benary, La Tosca, E. von Kesselstadt, Franz Deegen, Goldelse, Crepuscule, Comtesse de Noghera, Mme. C. P. Strassheim, Augustine Guinoisseau, Peace, Georges Schwartz (the best yellow rose in the world), G. Nabonnand, and right useful they are as seed and pollen parents, also as garden roses.
Magazine (Jul 1921) Page(s) 230-231. Les meilleures variétés de Rosiers Thés pour la plantation des massifs sur la Côte d'Azur Rapporteur : M. Paul NABONNAND, Golfe-Juan Anne Leygues, carmin cocciné. Archiduc Joseph, rose saumoné. Baronne Henriette de Loew, blanc. Bertha Klemann, carné. Christine de. Noue, rouge. Comtesse de Bardi, jaune. Comtesse E. de Guigné, rouge cuivré, Comtesse de Leusse, rose brillant. Comtesse de Noghera, rose tendre. Général Schablikine, rouge brillant. Général Galliéni, rouge ponceau, feu. Isabelle Nabonnand, rose tendre carné. Francis Dubreuil, rouge vif. Mme Charles, jaune. Mme Claire Jaubert, tendre carné. Mme Lambard, rose vif. Mme Hoste, jaune tendre. Marie d'Orléans, rose vif. Marie Van Houtte, crème. Papa Gontier, rose vif. Paul Nabonnand, hortensia. Peace, crème saumoné. Princesse Radziwil, rose foncé. Prince Wasilchikoff, cramoisi. Reine Emma des Pays-Bas, jaune cuivré. Safrano, jaune cuivré. Sylphide, carné tendre. Tillier, rouge cuivré.
Magazine (27 May 1911) Page(s) 254. The Parentage of Roses. The following list of the world's Roses and their parentage has been compiled by Mr. Robert Daniel, 38 Russell Road. Fishponds, Bristol, and by his kind permission we are enabled to publish it... Comtesse de Noghera... Tea, Nabonnand, 1901, Reine Emma des Pays-Bas X P. Nabonnand
Website/Catalog (1907) Page(s) 27. Comtesse de Noghera (Nabonnand 1902) tender pink, very large bloom [No longer in 1911 catalogue].
Magazine (1906) Page(s) 270. From Riviera Notes, by Edward H. Woodall
Roses this autumn have profited by the heavy rains that succeeded the long summer drought, and I do not remember having ever seen a finer crop of flowers at this season. A careful examination of the plants shows how much better the Indica major stock suits this climate than the Briar. Another stock which seems very promising to me is the Macartney Rose (R. bracteata), which grows freely all winter, and is unaffected by summer heat and drought. It remains to be proved how many varieties can stand so vigorous a stock. Where frosts are not severe it might prove of great value for poor and dry soils in England. Perhaps the finest if the less-known Roses for autumn bloom is Comtesse de Turenne. After two years trial I am now quite convinced it is the very best of all the soft pink Roses here for size of bloom, perfect shape and great freedom and vigour. Comtesse de Noghera is a new Nabonnand Rose also of much merit, and of rose and apricot tinting, but its petals are not quite of the ideal substance of Comtesse de Turenne. It is, however, a first class autumn Rose.