'Joseph Billard' rose References
Book (1936) Page(s) 78. Billard, Joseph (hybrid wichurana) Barbier 1906; Wich. X M. Eug. Résal; bright carmine, base vivid yellow, deep yellow stamens, 7-9 cm., single, glossy foliage, growth 8/10. Sangerhausen
Book (1930) Page(s) 397. Joseph Billard. (Barbier 1905.) Hybrid Wichurana. Bloom 7 to 9 cm across, single, bright carmine-red with white center. Floriferous shrub.
Magazine (Jun 1929) Page(s) 67. Joseph Billard, simple, carmin vif éblouissant, onglet jaune vif.
Website/Catalog (1924) Page(s) 40. Joseph Billard.- Fl. carmin et jaune vif.
Magazine (1918) Page(s) 260. "Mildew-Resistant Roses: With Some Suggestions as to Increasing Their Number" By Walter Easlea, F.R.H.S. [Read July 17, 1917; Mr. W. H. Divers, V.M.H., in the Chair.] Climbing Roses. Joseph Billard.
Website/Catalog (1914) Page(s) 7. Hybrid Wichuranas. Joseph Billard. Carmine with vivid yellow, single
Magazine (Nov 1913) Page(s) 175. ...D'autres variétés très précoces ont bien aussi leur mérite, du reste, on les retrouve dans les grands jardins de roses, à l'Hay, à Bagatelle. Ce sont : Aglaïa, Bennett's Seedling, Gardénia, Paul's Carmin Pillar; mais je m'aperçois que je m'égare dans les polyanthas ; je terminerai eu citant quelques joyaux à fleurs simples pas assez appréciés tels que : Joseph Billard, Jersey Beauty, Evangeline, dont les grandes fleurs font penser aux clématites. ...Auguste Nonin.
Book (1913) Page(s) 98. Wichuraiana Ramblers. By Dr. A. H. Williams, Vice-President N.R.S. The wichuraiana Ramblers fall naturally into two well defined groups: I. The Early, containing those varieties whose main flowering season is in the month of June. They are mostly hybrids of R. wichuraiana with Teas, H.T.'s, H.P.'s, and Chinas. The trusses are as a rule not large, though they may sometimes contain a dozen or more blooms. The individual flowers are often large, sometimes four or five inches across. Early Flowering Varieties. Joseph Billard. — A vigorous grower with strong prostrate stems. The foliage is large and fine, and of a dark glossy green, not subject to mildew. The flowers are produced in profusion in small trusses of large single blooms with fine stamens. As they open the outer part of the petal is bright crimson, and the inner part is golden or orange yellow, which soon fades to cream. A very distinct variety, and one of the greatest beauty when first opening. To see it at its best one must be out in the garden in the early morning before breakfast.
Book (1913) Page(s) 14. The Wichuraiana Roses: A Selection of Varieties (The approximate date of flowering of each variety is given.) Joseph Billiard. — Very beautiful, having single blooms of crimson, rose, and yellow shades. June 15.
Magazine (1 Jul 1911) Page(s) 314. The Parentage of Roses. The following list of the world's Roses and their parentage has been compiled by Mr. Robert Daniel, 38 Russell Road. Fishponds, Bristol, and by his kind permission we are enabled to publish it... Joseph Billiard [sic]... Hybrid Wichuraiana, Barbier, 1905, R. wichuraiana X Madame Eugène Resal