Book (2012) Page(s) 54.
Rosiers de Provins...
R. Velours pourpre, steg.
Book (Mar 1999) Page(s) 105.
Velours pourpre Dupont (France) 1813. Small to medium, double blooms of deep velvety purple-crimson. Listed by Gravereaux as in Joséphine's collection at Malmaison.
Article (newsletter) (Feb 1999) Page(s) 2.
Velours pourpre Before 1811... one of 15 Dutch gallicas that definitely or probably originated in the Low Countries and which are still in cultivation today
Book (Jul 1998) Page(s) 111.
Velours Pourpre. Netherlands, before 1811. Synonym: Cramoisi incomparable (according to Noisette, 1826). Habit: upright shrub; prickles and bristles. Foliage:: dark green; elliptical leaflets, often 3 instead of 5 per leaf. Bloom: in clusters of 3 to 6 blooms, up to 9 seen; medium size, double, reflexed petals; long sepals. Colour: slightly velvety purple; ages to violetish. Fragrance: moderate. According to Rosetum gallicum of Desportes, this variety came from Holland. Hardy precises that the specimen which was at the Roseraie du Luxembourg came from Corneille Stegerhoeck (Nordwyck, Holland), without one knowing precisely whether he was the breeder or simply the supplier. The first mention of 'Velours pourpre' in French sources is that of the Almanach of Guerrepain, in 1811...
Article (newsletter) (1996) Page(s) 45.
One of many Gallicas produced in the Low Countries before 1814 and still with us today.
Website/Catalog (1923) Page(s) 52.
Provins. Velours pourpre (Netherlands, 1800). Purple-red.
Book (1912) Page(s) 51.
Catalogue des Roses exposées
32. Velours Pourpre.—Provins.
Ce rosier, d'après Desportes, nous vint de Hollande; il a été décrit par de Pronville et cité par Redouté, il était cultivé dans les pépinières de Du Pont.
Book (1842) Page(s) 275.
R. gallica....Varieties....with velvety blooms, whose dark colour has a velvety sheen in sunlight (R. gall. holosericea)....velour pourpre, large, violet-crimson, purple-red center
Book (1837) Page(s) 103.
Rosiers de Provins...
R. Velours proupre, steg.
Website/Catalog (1831) Page(s) 42.
Rosa gallica, Rosier de france
velours pourpre. 1 fr. 50 c.