'Our Vanilla' rose References
Website/Catalog (2021) Page(s) 49. Includes photo(s). Vanilla KORplasina A florist rose with its unusual colouring of vanilla with a distinct green patina. The medium sized blooms are made up of numerous hardy petals which unfold slowly into attractive shapes - these hold for a very long time. The bushes are covered with hardy leaves. A very rewarding rose to grow in the garden.
Book (2000) Page(s) 610. Includes photo(s). ‘Vanilla’ / KORplasina / ‘Our Vanilla’ = Moderne - Buisson à fleurs groupées – Floribunda – blanc (teinté de vert), remontant… coloris inusité, blanc crème nettement lavé de vert … très exigeant en chaleur. Kordes, Allemagne, 1994. Ascendance inconnue.
Book (1996) Page(s) 144. Some of the New Roses for 1996. From Treloar Roses Pty. Ltd. (Portland, Vic.) comes: Vanilla (Kordes). The Parchment Rose. Exceptionally long keeping qualities as a cut flower, and also very good dual-purpose garden variety. Flowers have an unusual papery feel - hence the parchment reference. A real florist's rose