'The Prioress' rose References
Book (Jul 1996) Page(s) 143. The Prioress A variety that David Austin considers inferior and does not recommend growing unless you're a collector.
Book (1993) Page(s) 26. One of the first English Roses David Austin introduced when he formed his nursery in 1970.
Book (1990) Page(s) 24. Valerie Swane, NSW. Some of the New Roses for 1990. The Prioress Blush-white, lightly fragrant blooms form deep, open cups with small inner petals mostly hiding the stamens. An autumn blooming, upright growing shrub. Height 1.1m.
Book (1988) Page(s) 119. Includes photo(s).
Book (1988) Page(s) 119. The Prioress English Rose. Austin 1969. Description. Parentage: 'La Reine Victoria' x seedling.
Book (1970) Page(s) 153. New Roses of the World. The Prioress S (David Austin Ltd. '69) 'La Reine Victoria' x seedling. Cupped, blush to white blooms borne singly and several together. Free, perpetual blooming. Medium fragrance. Medium green foliage. Free growing. Very hardy.