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'Le Rosier Évêque' rose References
Article (magazine)  (2006)  Page(s) 72.  
Still unsolved (Gallica or Centifolia?) remains the case of cultivar The Bishop (Beales et al., 1998; Cairns, 2000;  Dickerson, 1999).
Book  (Apr 1999)  Page(s) 74.  
... the long-cultivated (even in Redouté's time) Gallica 'L'Évêque' is headed, in [Les Roses], Rosa gallica purpureo-violacea magna, a name probably not used before Les Roses was published, and certainly not after.
Book  (Apr 1999)  Page(s) 49-50.  
L'Évêque ('Belle Évêque', 'Bishop', 'Bishop's', 'La Cocarde', 'Provins Double', 'Purpureo-Violaceo Magna', 'The Bishop'). Gallica. Breeder unknown, pre-1790. The author cites information from different sources... Deep violet... Purple... illustrated by Miss Lawrence and Redouté. It had numerous sub-varieties, such as 'Manteau Pourpre', 'Rose Marron', 'Rose Noire de Hollande', and 'Grande Violette'... [also] 'Napoléon', which is known, in Godefroy's nursery, under the name 'Grand Alexandre'... This beautiful and long-known cultivar of the Provins Rose is grown in almost all gardens. It is the parent of many violet colored derivatives, all notable for their brilliant colors...
Book  (Mar 1999)  Page(s) 103.  
(Before 1799) Description. Flowers: double, cerise-purple... Sometimes classified as a centifolia -- possibly a Gallica-Centifolia hybrid.
Book  (Mar 1999)  Page(s) 16.  
The lax long-caned habit of 'The Bishop' creates a dazzling show when cascading in full bloom over a wall.
Book  (Jul 1998)  Page(s) 94-95.  Includes photo(s).
Le Rosier Évêque Gallica. Before 1790. ['La rose évêque', 'L'évêque', 'Manteau d'évêque' (after Malo, 1821), 'Pourpre belle violette' (after Thory, 1817), 'The Bishop' (in England)]... In 1811, Guerrapain wrote: this rose is late-blooming, less than two thumbs in diameter, very double, and has a sweet fragrance... It was in all likelihood among the roses in Joséphine's collection at Malmaison, and was painted by Redouté who labelled it Rosa gallica purpuro-violacea magna...
Book  (May 1998)  Page(s) 142-143.  Includes photo(s).
Rosa gallica purpureo-violacea magna ('Bishop Rose') Description... petals 2-3-seriate, a fine purple-violet... This beautiful and long-known cultivar of the Provins Rose is grown in almost all gardens. It is the parent of many violet-colored derivatives, all notable for their brilliant colours and themselves having given rise to seedlings of different shades, more or less double, some striped or spotted with white, others white towards the base, and all very fine...
Book  (1997)  Page(s) 155.  
Centifolia. Description and vital statitics. Full, rosette-shaped flowers of an unusual mixture of magenta, cerise and purple...
Article (newsletter)  (1996)  Page(s) 45.  
Descemet was another great rose grower of the Empire period. His nursery was at St-Denis near Paris. In 1815 his nurseries were destroyed during the war and at that time he had imported or bred more than a hundred Gallicas -- in fact 109 are known. Only 15 of these remain -- this is one of them.
Book  (Nov 1994)  Page(s) 57.  
Thomas lists it as a Centifolia, but he suspects that it is the same as the old French Gallica variety 'L'Evêque'. 'Le Rosier Evêque' was grown at Malmaison. Flowers: rosette-form, rolled petals of cerise-magenta, not typically centifolia, quickly turn to tones of violet and slatey grey-violet. Shows an affinity with 'Tour de Malakoff'...
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