'Dear One' rose References
Book (2010) Page(s) 35. John Paviour-Smith. Roses in Schools. Otago breeder David Benny wanted to name a rose after his wife Chris who declined, so he opted for 'Dear One'....
Book (2009) Page(s) 81. David Ruston. Australia/New Zealand Differences. 'Dear One' (Benny) 1998. Free flowering, a good colour.
Book (2007) p121. Doug Grant. Review of the Newer Roses for the 2006-2007 Season. Floribundas. 'Dear One'. (CAMalpha) Benny 1998: 13 Reports. 21 Plants. Garden 6.3. Exhibition 5.5. Short/Medium. Health 6.3. Fragrance 3.4. Soft porcelain pink. Franklin: a nice garden rose. BOP: needs more vigour, loses colour quickly. Te Awamutu: very showy open flowers, makes good small stems. Marlborough: lovely colour and lots of blooms. Canterbury: beautiful rose, picks well. North Otago: not as vigorous as others, very slow to establish. Otago: nice compact bush, good repeat. Southland: started off very poor but improving over season, blooms very pretty, very soft delicate colour.
p133 Doug Grant. Final Analysis 2007 'Dear One'. (CAMalpha) Benny 1998. FI. 58 reports, 99 plants. Garden: 7.2, Exhibition: 6.5, height short/med, some disease, light fragrance. Porcelain pink blooms, fades to off white, always in flower, good garden rose, not vigorous, short growth. Some downy mildew. PN Trial Grounds Certificate of Merit Award 1999.
Book (2006) Page(s) 59. Hayden Foulds. Rose Breeding in New Zealand. David Benny of Balclutha is another who is breeding some excellent roses. 'Dear One' (CAMalpha), a floribunda bred from 'Sexy Rexy' x 'Valentine Heart' was David's first commercial release and a good one at that. It is a very healthy, compact growing floribunda with pale pink sweetly scented blooms.
Book (2005) p46. Dawn Eagle. Report on Lectures World Regional Conference, Auckland. Mr. David Benny of NZ then introduced himself.... He explained that the right name is very important for a rose. His first commercially available seedling was named 'Dear One'.
p111 Peter Bamber. Review of the Newer Roses for the 2004-2005 Season. Floribundas. 'Dear One'. (CAMalpha) Benny 1998: Garden rating 7.3, Exhibition rating 6.7: 15 bushes, 7 reports: Some health problems: Light fragrance: Medium height. Porcelain pink flowers. BOP - light salmon fades to off white, very attractive to start with. Complemented with light brown red foliage. Fourth year and doing better. Te Awamutu slow growing, but made good progress this year. Quite attractive, could be good in a vase. Feilding - colour lovely but has had bush for several years and it has not made a lot of growth. Carterton - bush has been pulled out. Did not do well. North Otago - lovely colour, people love it. Always in flower, healthy, great to pick.
Book (2004) Includes photo(s). Inside front cover. Camphill [advertisement]. Photo. 'Dear One'.
Book (2002) Includes photo(s). p110 Gerard Williams. Review of the Newer Roses for the 2001-2002 Season. Floribundas. 'Dear One' (CAMalpha) Benny 1998; 9 reports on 16 bushes; 1-2 years; 80cms; 7.4 rating. Porcelain pink flowers on a medium sized bush, fragrant. North Otago feel it is a lovely rose, always in flower. Wonderful colour. Waikato say the blooms are smallish but it makes a good garden rose. Wairarapa pretty rose but slow repeat. Otago have a lovely rose always in flower and a wonderful colour. Southland have shortish growth but the bush is healthy with plenty of blooms. Feilding have a smaller bush that flowers well with delicate pale pink blooms. North Otago says lovely and good for floral work. Canterbury find the plant is not vigorous but the blooms are lovely.
p130. Photo. 'Dear One'.
Book (2001) Page(s) 113. Gerard Williams. Review of the Newer Roses for the 2000-2001 Season. Floribundas. 'Dear One'. (CAMalpha) Benny 1998; porcelain pink flowers on a medium sized bush; fragrant; 5 reports on 7 bushes; 1 year; 1 metre; 7.6 rating. North Otago feel it is a lovely rose, always in flower. Healthy with a lovely colour. Central Otago also find their bush is always in flower. North Harbour have a small bush which took some Downy Mildew. Beautiful flowers of nice form but they do fade. Waikato say the blooms are smallish but it makes a good garden rose.
Book (2000) p30 Peter Elliott. New Zealand International Rose Trial Ground. Trial 29. 1997-1999. The other traveller was Elizabeth Benny, who had come to represent her father, David, from Camp Hill Roses in Central Otago. David's entry, called 'Dear One' won a Certificate of Merit - a very pretty pale pink floribunda, and oh! the health of the foliage. it always looked so attractive in the garden.
p31. Certificate of Merit. 97/4055 'Dear One' (CAMalpha) Floribunda. David Benny, New Zealand.
p33. Variety 97.4055. 71.1 Points. Floribunda. 'Dear One' (CAMalpha). Breeder Benny. Agent: Camphill. Colour: salmon pink.