'Mary Hart, Cl.' rose References
Website/Catalog (14 Oct 2016) Registered Name: 'Mary Hart, Climbing' Synonyms: ARS Approved Exhibition Name: Mary Hart, Climbing Cl HT, mr, 1937, Western Rose Co. (also Meilland, 1942)
Book (Dec 1998) Page(s) 400. Mary Hart, Climbing Large-flowered Climber. Western Rose Company (USA) 1937. Parentage: Sport of 'Talisman'. Description... Cerise-red and gold bicolor... tightly scrolled buds that open to rather loose, flat flowers...
Website/Catalog (1960) Page(s) 27. CLIMBING MARY HART (Meilland 1942). Rouge sang sur fond jaune, semi-double. FL [feuillage luisant]. LO [légèrement odorantes].
Book (1958) Page(s) 225. Mary Hart, Cl. Cl.HT. (Western Rose Co., '37; F. Meilland, '42.)
Website/Catalog (1949) Page(s) 4. Climbing Mary Hart HT (Sonter). A vigorous climbing sport. The colour is described as crimson scarlet, flushed orange and fading to a deep carmine.
Book (1948) Page(s) 20. Harry H. Hazlewood. The New Roses of 1947-48. Climbing Mary Hart, HT. (Western Rose Co.). A vigorous climbing sport with the habit apparently firmly fixed as every plant in the nursery rows showed genuine climbing growth. Frequently a proportion of plants propagated revert to dwarf habit but in this case there were no reversions. The colour is identical to the parent bush form, and this will provide a new shade in climbing varieties.
Website/Catalog (1947) Page(s) 5. Supplement to the 1947 catalogue. Novelty Roses 1947-48. Climbing Mary Hart (HT. Sonter) A vigorous climbing sport which will provide a new shade in climbers. The colour is described as crimson scarlet, flushed orange and fading to deep carmine as in the parent bush form. An earlier sport is recorded in California. 5/- each.
Website/Catalog (1946) Page(s) 32. P[ernetiana]. — CLIMBING MARIE HUART (Meilland 1942). Fleur rouge sang velouté avec reflets jaune d'ambre.
Magazine (Feb 1944) Page(s) 27. Nouveautés 1942-1943 .... FRANCIS MEILLAND à Tassin-La Demi-Lune (Rhône) NOUVEAUTES 1942 « CLIMBING MARY HART ». — Accident fixé sarmenteux de la belle variété bien connue du même nom. Fleur au magnifique coloris rouge sang, velouté, avec un beau reflet jaune ambré. Forme idéale, parfumée. Végétation luxuriante, à feuillage décoratif et sain, extrêmement florifère. Elle se prête aussi bien à la décoration qu'à la fleur coupée