'B.W. Price' rose References
Book (1958) Page(s) 44. B. W. Price. HT. (McGredy; int. J&P, '43.) Night X Mme. Butterfly. Bud long pointed; fl. large, single (6-8 petals), open, cerise-pink. Fol. soft. Vig.; upright, bushy.
Book (1951) Page(s) 180. Mrs. R. D. Dorsett, Norman, Oklahoma. Single Roses I Grow and Love. B. W. Price (McGredy, 1941) has from six to eight petals of cerise-pink and is a charming rose of good size. Of course, when the hot sun hits that cerise it melts to a much paler shade, but it is still a pleasing color, and its petals are so artistically waved that this rose is a valuable variety if one is at all interested n making a collection of singles.
Website/Catalog (1949) Page(s) 5. Novelty Roses 1949. B. W. Price (HT. McGredy 1941) Single cerise blooms of 6 to 8 petals with prominent stamens after the style of 'Dainty Bess', but much darker. 3/6 each.
Magazine (1948) Page(s) 113. S. McGredy and Sons submitted Poulsen's Pink, a free-flowering, light pink Hybrid Polyantha; Rubaiyat, a scarlet H.T. of good form; and B. W. Price, a semi-double pink
Book (1947) Page(s) 28. B. W. Price HT. (McGredy '41). Night x Mme. Butterfly. Bud long-pointed; fl. large, semi-dbl (6-8 petals), open, cerise-pink. Fol. Soft. Vig (3 1/2 ft.),:upright, bushy, semi-compact.
Book (1946) Page(s) 184. The 1946 Proof of the Pudding. B. W. Price. HT Pink. (McGredy ‘41; int U.S, J&P ‘42) ARA ‘42; PP ‘43-‘45. I. Foote, Mass.: A delicate semi-double, pink rose; attractive. Piester Conn.: (5 pls., 5 yrs.) rugged open plants; color clear; size good; distinctive in its class. - C. II. Brooklyn Botanic Garden, N.Y. (4 pls., 4yrs.) Growth vigorous; brilliant orange color; open flower with two rows of petals appears as a single rose. – A. III. Snyder, Pa. (2 pls., 5 yrs.) Plants dwarf and sprawling; magnificent flowers but not very many. - C. VI. Shook Miss.: (4 pls., 3 yrs.) A very beautiful single. - C. VIII. Pfister, Ill.: (3 pls., 1 yr.) A very attractive large single pink - B. XI. Hampton. Texas: (5 pls., 4 yrs.) A fine addition to our single rose varieties and larger, more brilliant than most - B. XII. Barnes, Utah (1 pl., 3 yrs.) A single spinel pink; 6 petals; a permanent delight, - A. Merrill Idaho: (3 pls., 2 yrs.) Did well first year but nothing second year. D. XIII. McDonough, Cal.: (1 pl., 3 yrs.) Seems to be at its best as a maiden. Each year it goes backwards and produces less bloom. It is not vigorous and requires special placement to get the most out of it. Wind has detrimental effect upon the open blooms causing petals to curve inward. - D. XIV. Edmunds, Ore.: (5 pls., 5 yrs.) Same color but not as perfect a single as Frances Ashton. Usually has 2 or 3 petaloids. Good plant, foliage; good bedder. - B. Norton Ore.: (1pl., 2 yrs.) Nice semisingle. A bit different from anything else I know. It blooms freely. The plant is rather small but vigorous. - B. Parker, Van. Is. (1 pl., 1 yr.) Bloomed freely early in the season; no blooms since. A new colour in semisingles; well worth a trial. - B. National Rating 6.6.
Article (misc) (1945) Page(s) 182. B.W. Price Hybrid Tea. Pink. (McGredy 1941; introduced US Jackson & Perkins 1942)