'Beauté de Lyon' rose References
Article (magazine) (Mar 2018) Page(s) 13. The 110 Hybrid T. roses found in the Catalogue of Shizuoka Rose Nursery, 1918.... 4 Kinsango=Beauté de Lyon (Joseph Pernet-Ducher 1910)
Book (Apr 1999) Page(s) 459-460, 559. Pages 459-60: Beauté de Lyon Translation "Beauty from Lyon". Pernetiana. Pernet-Ducher 1910. Parentage: 'Soleil d'Or' x an unnamed seedling. The author cites information from different sources... brilliant green fragrant foliage... coral red and yellow, or pale terra-cotta blended with yellow... Page 559: Beauté de Lyon Pernetiana. Joseph Pernet-Ducher 1910
Book (1940) Page(s) 17. Beauté de Lyon Hybrid Tea. (Pernet-Ducher 1910)... coral-red, tinted yellow.
Book (1936) Page(s) 436. Lyon, Beauté de (hybrid lutea) Pernet-Ducher 1910; ? X Soleil d'Or; coral-red, shaded light yellow, large, double, globular, Trollius-form, mediocre, floriferous, repeats, growth 7/10, upright, 1 m, hardy. Sangerhausen
Website/Catalog (1933) Page(s) 89. Beauté de Lyon (Rosa lutea). Vigorous, upright and spreading habit. The blooms are large, double, salmon-pink (6/8 la). ...Low garden plants 1 piece RM [Reichsmark] -.50
Website/Catalog (1929) Page(s) 38. Hybrid Perpetual Roses Beauté de Lyon. Pernetiana. (Pernet-Ducher, 1910.) Copper-yellow buds and fragrant flowers of strong orange. Erect habit; black-spots; early bloom liberal, with a few flowers thereafter. A variety for those who appreciate unique beauty and take pains to get it. It is a surprisingly free bloomer for its type. A reliable fall-blooming Hybrid Perpetual.
Website/Catalog (1926) Page(s) 75. Hybrid Teas. Beauté de Lyon Hybrid Lutea. (Pernet Ducher 1910). Excellent rose, copper-red with coral-red, Colossal growth; produces its flowers of undescricable colour until late in autumn.
Book (1926) Page(s) 27. Beaute de Lyon (Pernet-Ducher, 1910): a much better behaved rose than the foregoing, with better-shaped flowers and deeper orange color. I like it best of the three Pernetianas, although the others are lovely. It is a quite steady bloomer, keeping up a show of color all summer, but has to be protected against diseases.
Website/Catalog (1925) Page(s) 85. Rosa lutea...Beauté de Lyon. Vigorous, upright and spreading habit. The blooms are large, double, coral-redslightly yellowish, shaded. ...Low-grafted garden plants 1 piece G.-M. [Gold-Mark] 1.- 10 pieces G.-M. 9.-
Website/Catalog (1924) Page(s) 26. Hybrides de Lutea (Pernetiana Remontants)... BEAUTE DE LYON.- Arb. vigoureux à rameaux droits. Fl. orange cuivré rougeâtre passant au rose saumon.