'JACment' rose Reviews & Comments
Initial post
13 MAR 05 by
I enjoy this rose very much. I would like to buy more! Does anyone know where to find it??? Otto and Sons does not have it. Jackson and Perkins is searching, but has not located it. Does anyone want to part with their Pure Poetry?? Perhaps it is not thriving for you or your location... Thanks so very much!!
#1 of 4 posted
4 APR 05 by
Unregistered Guest
I posted a picture on www.gardenweb.com, about pure poetry, can you look at my picture and tell me if that's PP? I just bought it a t Home Depot Saturday.
#2 of 4 posted
25 SEP 05 by
Wendy C
Sorry, the rose you have isn't Pure Poetry. Pure Poetry is literally covered in thorns and prickles and the petal count is higher.
Might it be Apricot Passion?
This looks like Arizona, a frequent staple of Home Depot.
I would concur. Definitely Arizona. I would recognize those prickles anywhere, and it is a staple at Home Depot. Usually $6.97 in a 3 gallon pot (their standard price for grade 2, non-patent roses). It's there with Chrysler Imperial, Gold Medal and the other usual suspects.
That said, I have picked up plants like Spartan the same way. I wouldn't buy an old, virused Chrysler Imperial, but a clean Spartan is another story! Arizona is a good rose, too -- though a bit tall, thorny and bald at the knees for my taste.
Initial post
14 JAN 08 by
Unregistered Guest
My friend has a peachy rose growing in her apartments, It is extremely sweetly fragrant, it's not a David Austin rose or just joey, any help? I'll post a pic if you need yet.
good news, bad news....it is quite available from Malaseuns here in South Africa....
Can you tell more about Malaseuns so we can add them to HMF.
Roses Unlimited shows it in their list.
While not having any one absolutely outstanding feature, the nice thing about this rose is that it is at least 'good' in so many categories, and 'poor' in none. The fragrance is not powerful, but it's pleasant, the vigor is good, the rebloom quick, the disease resistance excellent, and it is good in the vase. Just an all-around satisfying rose.