'Gloria del Llobregat' rose References
Website/Catalog (2020) Page(s) 316. Includes photo(s). Gloria del Llobregat, same parentage as 'Eugeni d'Ors', Cebrià Camprubí Nadal, 1940, HT, even red, lightly shaded yellow, shrub, double, large buds, cupped, floriferous, very fragrant, glossy foliage, Sensation X Marg. McGredy, very vigorous growth, Certificate of Merit First Class at Pedralbes, bibliography: RE - MCF10
Book (1958) Page(s) 135. Gloria del Llobregat. HT. (Camprubi Nadal, '40.) Sensation X Margaret McGredy. Large, dbl., cupped, fragrant, strawberry-red to vermilion. Fol. glossy. Very vig.; profuse bloom.
Book (1958) Page(s) 135. Gloria del Llobregat. HT. (Camprubi Nadal, '40.) Sensation X Margaret McGredy. Large, dbl., cupped, fragrant, strawberry-red to vermilion. Fol. glossy. Very vig.; profuse bloom.