'Rita MacNeil' rose References
Booklet (2008) An Information List of all Varieties. p8 1993. Big Daddy - Macchome. Nicknamed Chow Mein
Website/Catalog (2003) Page(s) 197. Rita MacNeil. See 'Big Daddy'. S5w (Sheridan Nurseries Ltd., Canada)
Book (2000) Page(s) 115. Gerard Williams. Final Analysis 1999-2000 Big Daddy (MACchrome); McGredy 1994;'Howard Morrison' x 'Mme. G. Delbard'; scarlet red; 22 reports on 24 bushes; 1.5 metres; 7.2 rating. Not widely grown, but those who have the rose are generally satisfied. Slight perfume and a clear bright colour with big bold flowers on long stems. In fact, sometimes the flowers seem too big for the stems. Generally the flowers come one to a stem. A good plant for those who like big roses.
Magazine (Oct 1999) Page(s) 31. 'MACchome' (Big Daddy®; Rita McNeil); HT; or; 1994; Published on page 55 IRAR Supplement # 3; Correct spelling of synonym is Rita MacNeil.
Book (1999) Page(s) 90. Gerard Williams. Review of the Newer Roses for the 1998-99 Season. Big Daddy. (MACchrome) McGredy 1994; 'Howard Morrison' x 'Mme G. Delbard'; scarlet red; 3 reports on 3 bushes; 3-4 years; l.4 metres; 7.3 rating. Good large blooms with striking colour says Waikato. Lovely rose with a slight perfume says Gisborne. Bay of Plenty say the blooms have good colour but the big flowers droop because of weak stems and that it is slow to repeat. North Otago says it flowers profusely. Healthy plant with lovely foliage with big bold blooms.
Book (1998) Page(s) 55. MACchome Hybrid Tea, scarlet-orange, 1994, (Big Daddy®); 'Howard Morrison' x 'Mme. Delbard'; McGredy, Sam. Description.
Book (1998) Page(s) 91. Nola Simpson. Review of Newer Roses for 1997-98 Season. Big Daddy (MACchome); McGredy 1994; 'Howard Morrison' x 'Mme G. Delbard'; scarlet red; 4 reports on 4 bushes; 1-5 years; 1.4 metres; 7.2 (interim) rating. Only 4 reports received this year from North Otago, Gisborne, Golden Bay and Bay of Plenty all agree they like the bright scarlet colour but flowers are often too big for the stems and hang down on weak necks. Health is generally good. North Otago is smitten with it and says it flowers profusely and Bay of Plenty is impressed with the glowing orange red colour. Golden Bay is not so pleased with the health of the plant or the growth.
Book (1997) Page(s) 89. Nola Simpson. Review of Newer Roses for 1996-97 Season. Big Daddy (MACchome); McGredy 1994; 'Howard Morrison' x 'Mme G. Delbard'; scarlet red; 3 reports on 3 bushes; 1-3 years; 1.6 metres; 7.0 (interim) rating. Only 3 reports received this year from Bay of Plenty, Northland and Manawatu. All agree they like the bright scarlet colour, but Northland thinks the blooms are big and blowsy and Manawatu is disappointed in the form which does not hold, health is no problem and it makes long stems with weak necks. Next year there maybe more reports to give us a better indication
Book (1996) Page(s) 90. Nola Simpson. Review of Newer Roses for 1995-96 Season. Big Daddy (MACchome); McGredy 1994; 'Howard Morrison' x 'Mme G Delbard'; scarlet red; 7 reports on 7 bushes; 1-2 years; 1.4 metres; 6.8 rating. The first reports in on this bright scarlet red HT. Most find that the blooms are very large with a tendency to nod their heads, the repeat of bloom is slow but the bushes grow well with little disease problems. Bay of Plenty has found the weather affects it and it has not done well. A Sanson report received a plant with petal fleck virus and has discarded, a grower from Nelson thinks it is a top rose. Early days we will see what next year brings.
Book (1994) Includes photo(s). p17. Big Daddy Macchome. Hybrid Tea. McGredy, New Zealand. Photo courtesy Egmont Roses.
p126. Egmont Roses advertisement. Big Daddy (Macchome). Hybrid Tea Huge perfectly shaped blooms of clear orange-scarlet produced mostly one to a stem with weather resistant petals. The plant is strong and upright, breaks freely and is well clothed with disease resistant light green foliage.