'Sylphide' rose References
Book (Jun 1992) Page(s) 49. La Sylphide Vibert's yellowish-flesh Tea (1838) is probably extinct.
Book (1936) Page(s) 690. Sylphide, La (tea) Vibert 1838; yellowish flesh-coloured, large, double, opens, fragrance 8/10, floriferous, repeats, growth 6/10
Book (1902) Page(s) 82. Thé. 2040. Sylphide (Vibert 1838), carné jaune
Book (1899) Page(s) 95. La sylphide, thé, Vibert, 1838, carne jaunâtre
Website/Catalog (1893) Page(s) 31. Roses-thé.....La Sylphide (Vibert 38) : Fl. carné jaunâtre, gr., pl. odor. Arb. moy., florif. - Les Sylphides: prétendus génies qui suivant la mythologie du moyen-âge, habitant l'air. Tr. belle rose! C.
Book (1891) Page(s) 500. In the Report of the State Board of Horticulture on Floriculture - Rose Culture: Perhaps there is no country in the wide world where the rose can be grown to greater perfection than in California... What Sorts To Plant:.... Teas - La Sylphide, light peach
Website/Catalog (1889) Page(s) 14. La Sylphide—Incarnate blush : a free bloomer.
Website/Catalog (1889) Page(s) 58. Tea-scented and Hybrid Tea-scented Roses. La Sylphide Deep bronzy yellow, paling off to cream; a very free-flowering variety.
Book (1885) Page(s) Vol. 2, p. 312. Thé. Sylphide (la). Fleur grande, pleine; coloris carné jaunâtre. Très belle rose.
Website/Catalog (1885) Page(s) 77. Tea-Scented Roses. La Sylphide Sulphur-yellow, large and fine.