'Kootenay' rose References
Magazine (Jun 2020) Page(s) 21. Vol 42, No. 2. Sue Zwar. ....old Hybrid Teas down Petticoat Lane. Kootenay [*] Dickson, 1914) with beautiful nodding cream buds and large high-centred blooms.
[* possibly incorrect]
Website/Catalog (13 Jan 2019) Kootenay. (1917) Large, full; creamy white to pale primrose, centre deeper. 1.5m.
Magazine (2015) Page(s) 25. Vol 37, No. 1. Patricia Routley. If I Could Only Grow Ten Roses. What do I call this next one? There is a beautiful photo of it in Botanica’s Roses on p239 with the incorrect caption of ‘Feu Pernet-Ducher’. Someone moved the labels in David Ruston’s garden where this photo was taken and the photo is that of the rose grown by David as ‘Kootenay’. However, David has since admitted that his ‘Kootenay’ might not be the correct one. Just what is it then? I lean towards Mrs. Harold Brocklebank (Dickson 1907). It was obviously a much loved rose and it came to me from Sheila Gravett as ‘Kaiserin Auguste Viktoria’; from two different gardens in Pemberton; and once from Kojonup. I need to have it in my garden for the long hot days of summer when it is the star performer.
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 291. Kootenay Hybrid Tea, primrose-color, 1917, Dickson, A. a larger 'Kaiserin Auguste Viktoria.
Book (Jun 1992) Page(s) 266. Kootenay ('Mary Greer') Hybrid Tea. A. Dickson, 1917. [Author cites information from different sources.]
Book (1991) Page(s) 414. Kootenay ('Mary Greer') Hybrid Tea. A. Dickson 1917. The author cites information from different sources... Primrose yellow...
Website/Catalog (1987) Page(s) 11. 'Kootenay'. HT. Dickson. 1917. Light yellow
Book (1950) Page(s) 36. 'Kootenay'. HT. (A. Dickson, 1917), Double Purpose. All zones, especially Tropical, 2 [growth to average height] .
Book (1943) Page(s) 78. Mr. C. W. Heers, Pacific Nurseries, Manly, Queensland: …. A list of roses in order of popularity, based upon public demand as it applies to Queensland taken over the last two seasons: Yellows – Golden Dawn, Souv. De H. A. Verschuren, Eclipse, Feu Pernet Ducher, Julien Potin, Sir H. Segrave, Mad. P. S. du Pont, Kootenay, Ville de Paris……..
Website/Catalog (1939) Page(s) 29. 'Kootenay'. HT (1917). Creamy primrose yellow; very full, opening well; free flowering; vigorous. G.D.E. Very full, medium to large blooms, with petals of good substance. Prolific bloomer and a good grower. Should be in every garden collection.