'Dean Hole' rose References
Magazine (2019) Page(s) 33. Vol 41, No. 2. Includes photo(s). Hillary Merrifield. The Hole Roses. 1904 Dean Hole.....
Book (Apr 1999) Page(s) 393. Dean Hole Hybrid Tea. A. Dickson 1904. Sport of 'Mme. Caroline Testout' (Hybrid Tea). The author cites information from different sources... silvery carmine tinted salmon...
Book (1997) Page(s) 381. Dean Hole Tea. A. Dickson (UK) 1904. Description... Large by Tea rose standards... an interesting combination of silvery-pink, flushed apricot and gold...
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 126. Dean Hole Hybrid Tea, silvery carmine, shaded salmon, 1904, Dickson, A.
Book (Jun 1992) Page(s) 262. Dean Hole Hybrid Tea. A. Dickson, 1904. Sport of 'Mme Caroline Testout'. [Author cites information from different sources. From The Book of the Rose (1910),, the author, Andrew Foster-Melliar says, "It was a singular coincidence that the last letter the Dean wrote on Roses had as its subject matter this Rose that had been named after him. He saw a flower of it, but never saw the plant growing."]
Website/Catalog (1986) Page(s) 16. Dean Hole* (Hybrid Tea) ..... (Temporarily out of stock).
Website/Catalog (1985) Page(s) 17. Dean Hole* (Hybrid Tea) Fully double, shapely flowers of silvery-deep-pink-flushed-salmon. 1904. (R) 2 x 2’.
Website/Catalog (1946) Page(s) 16. DEAN HOLES (A, Dickson 1905). Fleur pleine rose teinté de cuivre abricot.
[no longer listed in 1953]
Book (1941) Page(s) 51. Frank Penn. The Old and the New. Dean Hole (a real champion at times, with high pointed centre),
Website/Catalog (1938) Page(s) 16. Bush Roses Dean Hole (Hybrid Tea) By Dicksons of Hawlmark, 1904... Silvery carmine; very large, full. Exhibition only. Faint perfumed. Gold Medal N.R.S.