'Clovelly' rose References
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 100. Clovelly Hybrid Tea, carmine-pink, 1924, Hicks. Description.
Book (1947) Page(s) 28. Doreen Marriott, Port Elizabeth, South Africa. Clovelly carries its very pretty, well-shaped pink flower on a long, strong stem.
Website/Catalog (1946) Page(s) 5. Clovelly HT. Rich carmine rose, shaded salmon, long stem.
Website/Catalog (1936) Page(s) 6. Clovelly Hybrid Tea (Elisha J. Hicks 1924) Description.
Book (1936) Page(s) 161. Clovelly (HT) Hicks 1924; vivid carmine-pink, shaded salmon, very large, semi-double, fine form, loosely nodding, lasting, solitary, fragrance 6/10, floriferous, long strong stems, bronze-green foliage, growth 7/10, upright. Sangerhausen
Book (1934) Page(s) 277. Clovelly HT. 1924. Carmine rose, shaded salmon; vigorous; dwarf; prune moderately; good decorative rose.
Magazine (Dec 1933) Page(s) 104. Variétés pour "fleur coupée". Rosiers hybrides de Thé.. Clovelly (Elisha J. HICKS', 1924) : fleur rose carminé vif, nuancé de saumon, de forme parfaite, à pétales recourbés, joli bouton porté par un pédoncule long, érigé et ferme. Arbuste vigoureux
Book (1931) Page(s) 142. G. F. Middleton, Seattle, Wash. Failure and Success in Rose-Growing. ....Many varieties unsatisfactory as dwarfs not only produce better blooms when budded on standards, but also become free from mildew and black-spot. Especially is this so with ....and Clovelly
Website/Catalog (1931) Page(s) 46. Clovelly HT. Rich carmine rose, shaded salmon; perfect form; petals reflexed.
Book (1930) Page(s) 43. Clovelly HT (Hicks, 1924). Very much like 'America' but of a lighter pink; bloom of good shape, well-formed, sweetly scented and carried erect on long, stiff stem. Vigorous and free of mildew. Cert. of Merit, N.R.S. 1924. (Illus. in 1925 Rose Annual, facing p176)