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'Duchess of Parma' rose References
Book  (2012)  Page(s) 57.  
Rosiers du Bengale...
B. Duchesse de Parme, Monza (Ville d'Italie, dont le jardinier en chef était Villaresi, obtenteur de roses Bengale et Thé.)
Book  (Sep 1993)  Page(s) 153.  Includes photo(s).
Duchesse de Parme Moss. Description... The history of this most attractive Moss Rose is hard to trace, but Napoleon's second wife Marie-Louise became Duchess of Parma in 1814, and held the title until her death in 1847... flowers: lilac with shades of pink and parma violet. Parentage unknown.
Book  (1936)  Page(s) 542.  
de Parme, Duch. (china) ? ? ; dark crimson to light red, veined violet, medium size, double.
Book  (1880)  Page(s) Annex, p. 42.  
1578. indica. Duchesse de Parma, Blume katmoisin-purpur, mittelgross, gefüllt.
Translation: China. Duchesse de Parma, the flower is purplish carmine, medium-sized and full.
Book  (1854)  Page(s) 265.  
Im Frühjahr 1826 waren der bengalischen Rosen, in ihren verschiedenen Abtheilungen 25 oder 30, außer der ursprünglichen Bengalensis und Sinensis, die Centifolie, die Camelia, Ternaux, Hermite de Grandval, Belle de Plaisance oder Speciosa, diese nach Advenant ungemein schön, Sanguin, Cerise, Animating, Bichonne, Bleu de la Chine, Duchesse de Parme, Junon, Belle de Monza, oder Florentia, oder Pistoja, oder Palermo, unter allen diesen Benennungen eine ausgezeichnet schöne Blume, Eblouissante, Blanc à feuilles luisantes, Bourduge, Miss Smithson, Fénélon, à Fleurs striées, an deren Blumen zwar das schärfste Auge die Streifen zu erkennen nicht vermögend, à Bois strié, dieses ein Zufall, durch die Kunst festgehalten; von Noisetten hatte man die Lesbie, Lée, Lafayette, Bougainville, Azélie, Corali, Comtesse de Fresnel, Comtesse d'Orloff, Dufresnoy, deren aber nur wenige der Belle Noisette zu vergleichen.

In the spring of 1826 the Bengal roses, in their various divisions 25 or 30, besides the original Bengalensis and Sinensis, the Centifolia, the Camelia, Ternaux, Hermite de Grandval, Belle de Plaisance, or Speciosa, were exceedingly beautiful after Advenant, Sanguine, Cerise , Animating, Bichonne, Bleu de la Chine, Duchesse de Parme, Junon, Belle de Monza, or Florentia, or Pistoja, or Palermo, under all these denominations an eminently beautiful flower, Eblouissante, Blanc à feuilles luisantes, Bourduge, Miss Smithson, Fénélon, à Fleurs striées, on whose flowers the keenest eye is not able to recognize the stripes, à Bois strié, this a coincidence captured by art; of noisettes one had the Lesbie, Lée, Lafayette, Bougainville, Azélie, Corali, Comtesse de Fresnel, Comtesse d'Orloff, Dufresnoy, but only a few of them could be compared to the Belle Noisette
Book  (1854)  Page(s) 272-273.  
Perhaps one or the other lover of ever-blooming roses will thank me if I share the list of those I can recommend from personal acquaintance, regardless of age or novelty. Such are, 1) on Chinas proper: ...Duchesse de Parme...
Book  (1848)  Page(s) Div. II, p. 127.  
The Crimson Chinese Rose.
18. Duchess of Parma; flowers purplish crimson.
Book  (1838)  Page(s) 320.  
Rosa Semperflorens.
Rosa Indica.
Rosa Bengalensis.
Rosa Chinensis.
Rosa Diversifolia.

Marbled, Spotted, or Variegated Flowers.
1. Duchess of Parma.
Branches, erect.
Tube of calyx, smooth.
Sepals, short and simple.
Flowers, middle-sized, semi-double; of a light red, veined and streaked with violet-purple.
Book  (1837)  Page(s) 115.  
Rosiers du Bengale...
B. Duchesse de Parme, Monza
Book  (1837)  Page(s) 37.  
24) Rosa semperflorens Curt. Monats-, bengalische oder immerblühend R. (chinensis, sinensis und bengalensis der Autoren, indica Red. und Lindl., diversifolia Vent.) China; Frühling bis Winter. — Bastarde und Varietäten:
Duchesse de Parma dunkelrosenroth
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