'Katharine Pechtold' rose References
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 284. Katharine Pechtold. Hybrid Tea, orange blend (coppery orange, flushed rose and gold), 1934, 'Roselandia' x 'Charles P. Kilham'; Verschuren-Pechtold. Description.
Book (1981) Page(s) 162. The cultivars of [Jacques Verschuren]...'Katharina Pechtold'....
Website/Catalog (1960) Page(s) 14. CATHERINE PETCHOLD (Verschuren Petchold 1934). Rouge cuivré retouché de rose et jaune.
Book (1958) Page(s) 182. Katharine Pechtold. HT. (Verschuren-Pechtold; int. Dreer and H&S, '34.) Roselandia X Charles P. Kilham. Bud old-gold and bronzy orange; fl. semi-dbl., fragrant (clove pink), coppery orange, flushed rose and Gold. Fol. leathery. Vig., bushy.
Magazine (May 1955) Page(s) 2. trimester, p. 20. Les Roses au Floralies Gantoises. Ouvertes du 23 avril au 2 mai ... Parmi les exposants allemands, Willi Binz de Baden exposait des vases de roses comme Koningin Juliane, orange rouge : Jack Verschuren, jaune orangé; Katharina Pechthold, rose.
Website/Catalog (1946) Page(s) 16. CATHERINE PETCHOLD (Verschuren Petchold 1934). Fleur d'un superbe coloris rouge cuivré retouché de rose et jaune, très florifère.
Book (1944) Page(s) 70. Terry Honeybun. Victoria Katharine Pechtold Has a small compact bush with small healthy foliage and the most beautiful pure copper-orange flowers on long stems. Of very fine exhibition shape. A compliment to its namesake.
Book (1942) Page(s) 88. Mr. Terry Honeybun. The Most Beautiful Roses Katharine Pechtold: Pure, deep orange-copper, the shape is very good and lasting.
Book (1939) p123. Mr. W. Summers, Blackwood, SA Katharine Pechtold.- Long-pointed buds of old gold and orange, opening to coppery orange. Very variable grower and shy bloomer so far.
p129. Mrs T. R. Willis, NZ. Rangitiki Roses Katherine Pechtold is proving one of the best, with its beautiful colouring, coppery orange flushed with old rose and gold. The perfect buds or fully opened blooms give the most attractive turn to the petals. It grows well and gives plenty of flowers.
Magazine (2 May 1938) Page(s) 103. The Roses by "Dog Rose" Katherine Pechtold One of the best introductions in roses of recent years, and a variety that must become extremely popular. A vigorous-growing sort with a strong bushy habit of growth, producing its flowers very freely on strong, rigid stems. Pointed buds of old gold and bronzy orange, opening to full, shapely blooms of a lovely coppery-orange flushed with rose-pink and gold, and having a sweet clove-like fragrance.