'Britannia' rose References
Website/Catalog (14 Sep 2018) Includes photo(s). Hybrid Teas. Britannia (Frycalm) 1998 A richness of colour that really sparkles, blending and suffusing, first apricot and gold, then as the flower opens, a refreshing nectarine and orange. Perfectly formed, the flowers have a quality and style all of their own.They are entirely dependable in all weathers and are carried with the profusion of a floribunda on a free branching bush of medium size. A variety which has proved to be extremely reliable, with excellent health and a good fragrance. Awarded a Silver Medal in Glasgow 2001. Height approx. 75cm.
Article (misc) (Dec 2001) Page(s) 107. Britannia (FRYcalm) Orange blend hybrid tea. Fryer, England. Glasgow Silver Medal
Newsletter (Dec 2001) Page(s) 30, 32. p. 30: European Rose Trial Winners 2001..... Glasgow Scotland August 24 .... Silver Medal: 'Britannia', Fryer/Great Britain
p. 32: City of Glasgow 13th International Rose Trials 2001 Results..... Silver Medals ...'Britannia' by Fryer Roses - England
Magazine (2001) Page(s) 14. Vol 95, Part 1. Robert Stopford writes about the new roses that are doing well in his Lincolnshire Garden. Britannia - yellow /pink blended, smallish flowers retaining their shape longer than most. Extremely free flowering on an upright plant. Pleasantly fragrant.
Article (magazine) (Jun 1998) Page(s) 46. Includes photo(s). Britannia Introduced at Chelsea 1998 by Fryer's Roses... an apricot and gold Hybrid Tea.
Book (1998) Page(s) 83. Includes photo(s). "The Chelsea Flower Show—1998" Story and pictures by Pauline Hargraves, Vancouver Island, B.C. Another three newcomers for '98—all presented by Fryer's Roses—were 'Britannia', Hybrid Tea, a rich yellow gold... [...] Both [Britannia and Scentsation] are pleasingly scented, and indeed a true credit for their presenters.