'Baby Bio' rose References
Book (2000) Page(s) 100. ‘Baby Bio’ = Rosier pour terrasse. Relativement grandes, les fleurs jaune vif… réunies en gros bouquets sur un feuillage sombre et luisant. Bien pleines et rondes, légèrement odorantes… Son obtenteur, un mécanicien du Derbyshire, l’a mis au monde dans la serre de son jardin. Son nom honore une marque d’engrais. Smith, UK, 1977. RNRS Certificate of Merit 1976.
Book (2000) Page(s) 101. Includes photo(s).
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 36. Baby Bio. Floribunda, dark yellow, 1977, 'Golden Treasure' x Seedling; Smith, E. Description.
Book (1993) Page(s) 234. Includes photo(s). Baby Bio. Floribunda/Patio Rose. Smith (Britain) 1977. ('Golden Treasure' x Seedling).
Book (May 1992) Page(s) 262. Baby Bio Description... Very large clusters of double, deep yellow blooms...
Magazine (Feb 1977) Page(s) 1. trimester, p. 35. Saint-Albans, Certificat de Mérite, Baby Bio, FL, E. Smith GB
Book (1977) Page(s) 32. E. F. Allen, Awards To New Rose Seedlings In Great Britain In 1976. Baby Bio ('Golden Treasure' x seedling). This dwarf yellow flowered floribunda, by E. Smith of Sandiacre, was described last year. The non-fading, deep yellow flowers and compact growth should make it an excellent bedder in small gardens. Certificate of Merit
Book (1976) Page(s) 75. E. F. Allen, Awards To New Rose Seedlings In Great Britain In 1975 TG. No. 3094 ('Golden Treasurer' x seedling). A dwarf yellow floribunda by E. Smith of Sandiacre, with non-fading, deep yellow flowers and a good record of health. It has practically no scent but I thought very highly of this rose. Trial Ground Certificate.
Magazine (1975) Page(s) 13. An English friend of mine, Ted Smith, train driver and part-time rose grower, scored a marvellous success with a yellow rose of his own breeding in the prestigious Rome trials-he won the Gold Medal. It proves that even for the amateur there ...