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'Anna-Maria de Montravel' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 122-739
most recent 25 JUL 20 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 25 JUL 20 by Patricia Routley
Responding further to Jedmar’s illustration in the Revue Horticole Sept 1, 1884 of ‘Anne-Marie de Montravel’.

Aha - now I have more of an idea of what “Inflorescence subcorymbiforme” (1884-502 reference] means.
From my old Dictionary studies:
Corymb: dome-shaped or flat flower head in which outer flowers open first.
Panicle: Raceme which is made up of a number of smaller racemes, or a branched inflorescence.

It might be that ‘Paquerette’ flowers in panicles. (My “Beryl Turner’s Tiny White” certainly does).
and ‘Anne-Marie de Montravel’ in corymbs (or subcorymbiformes).
Discussion id : 77-977
most recent 3 MAY 14 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 3 MAY 14 by Chris
flew through the rough winter of 13-14 without protection in zone 5A, tougher than appearances!
Discussion id : 74-937
most recent 4 NOV 13 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 4 NOV 13 by Patricia Routley
How do we tell the difference between 'Pacquerette', 1872 and 'Anna-Maria de Montravel' 1879?
I've got one of them, but am stumped on which one.

The 1889 illustration of 'Pacquerette' shows foliated sepals and many petals.
The 1886 ref for 'Anna Marie de Montravel' says Anna has larger blooms than 'Pacquerette.
Discussion id : 28-921
most recent 13 JUL 08 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 13 JUL 08 by kahlenberg
not a terrific rose, but sweet. produces clusters of up to 40 tiny roses during the whole season. the scent is said to remind one of lilies-of-the-valley, but there is very little of it. a rather non-rose-looking rose which is good for pots and to grow in front of taller roses. no pruning required! sets tiny hips you don´t need to remove - the flower-production won´t go down at all. i wonder if it has ever been used for breeding. could be a good parent for miniature roses
Reply #1 of 1 posted 13 JUL 08 by HMF Admin
Thanks !
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