'KORnita' rose References
Website/Catalog (2000) Page(s) 114. Floribunda, Korona, Kordes R., 1955
Book (Dec 1998) Page(s) 341. Includes photo(s). Korona (KORnita, 'Orange Korona') Floribunda. Kordes (Germany) 1955. Parentage: 'Obergärtner Wiebicke' x 'Independence'... orange-scarlet blooms [ageing] to salmon-pink... up to that time the bright reds nearly all turned purple...
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 292. Korona® Floribunda, orange-red, 1955, (KORnita); Kordes. Description.
Book (1993) Page(s) 173. Includes photo(s). Floribunda. Kordes (Germany) 1955. ('Obergärtner Wiebicke' x 'Independence') Height: 90 cm (3 ft.) Light scent.
Book (1986) Page(s) 170. 'Korona' ('Corona')
Website/Catalog (1985) Page(s) 60. Korona. Bright orange scarlet.
Book (1981) Page(s) 360. Korona. HT. (Kordes, 1955). 'Obergärtner Wiebicke' x 'Independence'. Orange-scarlet, very resistant to weather damage. large, 8 cm./3.2 in. across, semi-double, faint scent, in large trusses, continuous bloom; growth strong, upright, 1 m/3.3 ft., branched; foliage large, abundant. PWR 115; GSR 437.
Book (1974) Page(s) 163. Korona : Kordes , 1954. Bright orange scarlet , Growth is vigorous , with semi - glossy , pale green fading to deep salmon pink ; moderately full flowers , foliage . My plants have not enjoyed the dry weather but rather formless , produced very ...
Website/Catalog (1970) Page(s) 68. [location] 41, Korona (W. Kordes' Sons 1955) Florib.
Book (1968) Page(s) 130. 'Obergärtner Wiebicke' was commercialized in 1950, named after a deserving, long-term employee due to its good characteristics. This variety became a building block which was used for many further crossings and resulted in nice suxccesses, such as 'Korona', 'Gartendirektor Glocker' ....