'Mrs. J.D. Eisele' rose References
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 397. Mrs. J.D. Eisele Hybrid Tea, brilliant cherry-pink, center shaded scarlet, 1933, 'Premier Supreme' x 'McGredy's Scarlet'; Howard, F.H. Description.
Book (1936) Page(s) 233. Eisele, Mrs. J. D. (HT) Howard & Smith 1933; Premier X McGredy's Scarlet; glossy cherry-pink, center petals glowing scarlet, very large, double, fine form, lasting, fragrance 7/10, floriferous, continuous bloom, long stems, growth 6/10, upright. Sangerhausen
Article (misc) (2 Mar 1935) Page(s) 92. Mrs. J.D. Eisele was small and blackspotted... I never did get a decent bloom the whole season through. The buds burned and balled under the sun.
Website/Catalog (1934) Page(s) 40. New Roses 1933. Mrs. J. D. Eisele HT. (Howard & Smith 1932) F. 3. .....a tendency to blue and burn in hot weather. This variety was imported by two different firms, each of which apparently received a different variety. A colour plate from America clearly proves the plants we hold to be the correct variety. E.
Magazine (Dec 1933) Page(s) 275-276. Includes photo(s). « Mrs J. D. Eisele », nommée d’après la femme de l’un des rosiéristes les plus avertis d’Amérique, est l’œuvre de Fred Howard, de Californie, qui entr’autres, nous a donné « Los Angeles » et les deux « Thoms ». Elle appartient à cette zone difficile à décrire entre rose et rouge ; probablement rose cerise donnera la désignation la plus approchante. Un expert en parfumerie a décrit son parfum comme le parfum vrai rose. De forme splendide et Irès double, elle se produit largement sur de bons plants. «Mc Gredy's Scarlett » et « Premier » en sont les parents, ce qui signifie qu’elle a aussi des possibilités comme rose pour fleuristes. Le brevet spécial pour plantes n° 67 lui a été récemment accordé..... R. MARION-HATTON. West Grove, Pa. (Extrait du la revue « HORTICULTURE » de Boston, Mass., du 15 Septembre 1933).
Book (1933) Page(s) 52. Harry H. Hazlewood. The New Roses of 1933. Mrs. J. D. Eisele is an exhibition type of a very high order, with blooms of a rich, cherry rose, but, unfortunately, this variety has lately shown serious colour weakness in that the blooms fade far too quickly. This fault was not noticed in the earlier records, and it is to be hoped that it will not be a permanent weakness. If the colour is proved more lasting, this variety would head the list as a red exhibition and garden variety in the novelties.
Website/Catalog (1933) Page(s) 44. New Roses 1933. Mrs. J. D. Eisele (HT. Howard & Smith 1932) Rich cherry rose with sometimes a scarlet glow in the colour. The blooms are large and of refined shape, sweetly scented, with 50 to 55 large petals which build up a very handsome bloom. The plant is a good grower with branching habit and the free blooming qualities associated with the hybrid tea family. This variety has been well tested in England and America, and is considered to be one of the best varieties sent out for some time. Price 4/- each. We have seen some very fine blooms of this variety which give promise of being a very fine exhibition rose as well as carrying good garden qualities as well.