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'Beauty's Mask' peony References
Magazine  (Nov 1911)  Page(s) 96.  
Species— P. albiflora.
Originated by Hollis, 1904.
Donated by Farr.
Description of bloom—Type of bloom crown. Form of bloom compact. Color (total effect) violet-rose 4 (154); guards clear; collar lighter than guards, mixed with cream yellow ; secondary staminodes present. Fragrance pleasant X. Blooming time late. Very large size.
Description of plant — Medium erect habit, tall, open. Growth strong and healthy. Stem long, medium strength, reddish green. Blooming habit free. Buds borne in clusters, healthy. Foliage medium furnished, medium green, medium size, veins green.
Commercial value — For cut bloom medium; landscape value good. Variety as a whole medium to good.
Website/Catalog  (1908)  Page(s) 4.  Includes photo(s).
The remainder of this Catalogue are Seedlings of my own originating.
I have been obliged to temporarily withdraw some varieties, and of the remaining list I have only a few roots of some kinds.
Beauty’s Mask 1904, blush white, tinted lilac, showing some yellowish petaloids thus giving it a. very distinctive appearance. See illustration....$2.00
Book  (1907)  Page(s) 10.  
Beauty's Mask took the longest time to develop of any of my raising, while Welcome Guest was the first to win recognition.
Website/Catalog  (1905)  Page(s) 4.  
Seedlings of my Originating.
Beauty's Mask, blush white, tinted lilac, showing some yellowish petaloid petals, thus giving it a distinct appearance....$3.00
Book  (1904)  Page(s) 4.  
Seedlings of my originating....First Season on the Trade
Beauty’s Mask, blush white, tinted lilac ; extremely fine. ...$ 5.00
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