'Benzhamen' peony References
Book (Jan 2000) Page(s) 163. Benjamin Franklin Herbaceous Peony. Brand 1907. A double red lactiflora
Book (1928) Page(s) 56. A List of Fifty of the Best Inexpensive Varieties Red Varieties Benjamin Franklin (Brand). 8.1. Red. An unusually tall dark red variety which resembles Adolphe Rousseau very much in color and make up, but it is a much stronger plant and a much more profuse bloomer than that desirable variety. The stems are long, strong, and heavy, holding the blooms well above the plants. This makes the variety very desirable for landscape effect. Each stem carries a single blossom, which makes it also a very desirable cut flower variety. This is a good dark red which we do not think is fully appreciated. We would class it as the best midseason very dark red peony for cut flower or landscape purposes. You will not be disappointed if you have a Ben Franklin in your collection.