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Discussion id : 9
most recent 31 MAR 10 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 25 FEB 04 by Tracy
I am looking for a rose I remember from my Mother's house in the 70s. It had profuse clisters of small double blooms, in red. She called in Lady Banksia. As far as I know, Lady Banksia only comes in white or yellow. However, someone told me that Dortmund rose used to be referred to as 'red Lady Banks'. I looked at DOrtmund, and it looks kind of close, except the blooms aren't double. Is there a double form of this? Or do you have any other ideas as to what this rose might be - tall shrub form, lots of clusters of small double red blooms. Small med - dark green foliage. Please help! Thanks.
Reply #1 of 5 posted 25 FEB 04 by Robert Rippetoe
Hi Tracy, just a guess but if the rose was from the 70's it could be 'Improved Blaze'. It was offered by the tens of thousands about that time. One does'nt see it that much anymore. There are no double forms of 'Dortmund' that I know of and I've never heard it called "Red Lady Banks". Thare are lots and lots of tall growing roses with red clustered flowers. Your rose could also be 'Paul's Scarlet'. Good luck in your search.. Robert
Reply #2 of 5 posted 18 DEC 08 by MLB
Take a look at the rose rambler, Chevy Chase!
Reply #3 of 5 posted 21 MAY 09 by Roselover24
if it flowered all the time it would be clg red cascade otherwise it would be most like red excelsa.both can be grown as weeping standards or as climbers and shrubs
Reply #4 of 5 posted 30 MAY 09 by Mylissa
It could be Eutin which is a floribunda but it gets no more that 3 ft tall. It could also be Europeana which has small red clusters.
Reply #5 of 5 posted 31 MAR 10 by kev
the rose i believe you are refering to is catherine banks.It is a very small red clg rose.
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