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Discussion id : 74-697
most recent 21 OCT 13 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 21 OCT 13 by RGunter
I am the president of the parents booster club for the US Air Force Academy Lacrosse Program. Recently the head coach of the program lost his wife, Sonia, in car accident. As a tribute to her the boys want to develop a decal that would be worn exclusively by the lacrosse team. One of the best pictures I have found is from the following link, may I permission to move forward with the development of the decal?


Roger Gunter
Reply #1 of 1 posted 21 OCT 13 by HMF Admin
Dear Mr. Gunter,

We're very sorry to learn of head coach's loss. Permission to use a photo found on HMF must be granted by the photo's contributor. If you click on the photo's "courtesy of" name you can leave this member a private message and we will in turn contact them to alert them of a new message for them. I'm sure they will be happy to cooperate.
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