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I found this rose in southern France. It is once flowering and blooms earlier as all other roses. I think it is a China rose. Can someone help identify it?
Is this Indica Major?
I just have compared with other photos of this rose and I think it is very possible and even probably. What typical is for my rose are the darkpink edges. But last year the blooms were more globular (see the 1. Photo) and whithout the pink edges. Many thanks!
Hi Pascale Your photo of the globular bloom made me a bit uncertain, but the other two looked just like it to my eye. I'll email a couple of friends and ask them to take a look at your photos. Margaret Furness has photographed Indica Major quite a bit and I'm sure she would recognise it at a glance. It was a really popular rootstock in the past, so it's one of those roses that you notice in the springtime when it puts on those lovely blooms and realise just how many plants are surviving in old gardens and on roadside fences.
Pascale & Billy, I'd say it is a nice indica major seedling, I've got a three forms here and occasionally get that nice globular bloom on a couple of them - depends on the season a bit I think - no doubt I would have some 'matching' photos somewhere in my files - the leaflets look right, and the bud colour, and early season bloom are also typical distinctive characteristics in my experience.
The leaves look identical to Gwen Fagan's 'Roses at the Cape of Good Hope' picture on p85.
Hi Billy The globular blooms were an exception last year. Many roses in my garden looked differently. Perhaps because we had a strange springtime: at first it was very hot and after that very rainy; and for the first time they were flowering in May, 3 weeks earlier than the other years.Thanks for your interest.
The third photo is the atypical picture for me of Rosa indica major and the leaves, buds and that it flowers early points to that - plus the once flowering.
I've posted a couple more pics of R indica major, one close-up, for you to compare.
I believe it is no doubt, it is Indica Major. Thank you.
#10 of 11 posted
14 MAR 08 by
Pascale, please post your shots on the Indica Major page. It's found all over the world. Variations in the bloom color, as opposed to the size and look of the plants, confuse rosarians everywhere.
I'll do it. (They are already on my garden page, but whithout a name)