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The latest edition of American Rose, July/August 2024, contains a most interesting article about roses in Romania, by Angela Bokor. Judging from the photos of lavish public gardens, Romania would seem to have a near perfect climate for roses. Reference is made to a species "endemic to the Cozia Mountains", 'Rosa coziae', pg. 29. There is a picture on the same page, 29, which shows a semidouble partly opened pink rose with long sepals and either mossing or bristles. Is this species perhaps known to HMF under some other name?
#1 of 1 posted
18 AUG by
We have now added Rosa coziae. There seem to be differing opinions on botanists whether this is a species or not. Some have it as a synonym of Rosa villosa L. Considering that the 1955 naming is not a valid publication, it should probably be regarded as one of the many local subspecies of Rosa villosa L.