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Discussion id : 167-555
most recent 17 JUN HIDE POSTS
Initial post 16 JUN by Margaret Furness
There are of course aspects of rose work that have to be done without gloves, but I've become careless, assuming that removal of a prickle and oral antibiotics would fix the ones that got red and swollen. Wrong. If the trouble gets into the sheath of a finger tendon, it can use the sheath as a channel to the palm, and if neglected can destroy the tendon. I ended up in the local hospital for one night, and two nights in a big hospital in the hands of plastic surgeons. They say I'll get "most of" the function back, having caught it in time.
Wiki says that the poet Rainer Maria Rilke died of leukaemia, not from the thorn of a rose he gave to an Egyptian beauty (there goes another good story.) But a thorn can still kill you, via tetanus.
So I recommend (apart from the obvious things about gloves and not delaying treatment):
- Check your tetanus status, and ask for a DTP shot. (The P is Pertussis (whooping cough), which is on the rise. It's hard enough work in adult-size airways, and it can kill babies: we need to increase the herd immunity. The third component is Diphtheria, which is very rare in well-immunised communities, but it's still out there.)
- Practice your daily living activities with your non-dominant hand, and one-handed. You never know when the skill might be useful.
- And if the redness and swelling go beyond the base of the finger, go straight to the nearest Emergency Department.
Reply #1 of 3 posted 17 JUN by Robert Neil Rippetoe
So sorry Margaret.

My obsession with healthy smooth roses has it's reasons, and can't produce results soon enough.

Thanks for the kind warning and reminder to us all.

Best wishes, Robert
Reply #2 of 3 posted 17 JUN by HubertG
Margaret, so sorry to hear this happened to you. Wishing you the speediest and most complete recovery possible.

Any punctures or scratches I get from the garden I treat pretty much straight away by soaking the finger/part in a glass of diluted Dettol. Any puncture that I think has gone deeper gets some iodine solution such as Betadine which will sting but I figure it's better to kill off whatever may have got in there straight away than to have trouble later.

Good advice on the DTP shots. My last Diphteria-Tetanus-Pertussis shot was about 3 years ago when I was scratched on the leg by a dog.
Reply #3 of 3 posted 17 JUN by Margaret Furness
Good ideas.
Thanks for the good wishes guys.
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