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Discussion id : 158-682
most recent 18 DEC 23 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 17 DEC 23 by Give me caffeine
Hi guys,

I've noticed that in the past week you seem to be getting pages and pages of this, coming in batches...

* Posted by unregistered site guest: Pending HMF administrative review. *

I assume these are all spambots. Have you considered disabling posting for guests? It's commonly abused by spammers, and many sites don't allow it for that reason. Offhand I don't recall much legitimate content coming from guests, and if anyone really does want to post legitimate content it's quick and simple to register.
Reply #1 of 2 posted 17 DEC 23 by Johno
In this latest episode there are over 100 'spam' messages. I will second your motion to stop so called guests from posting comment. Allow visitors to view site but prevent any form of posting. People can register but still choose an anonymous member name if they wish to post comment or upload photographs. Is the site protected from a major hack?
Reply #2 of 2 posted 18 DEC 23 by Give me caffeine
I assume HMF's security is pretty good, since it seems to have done well so far.

Bots spamming via guest posting is not a security risk. It just results in a lot of crap the admins have to clean up. :)
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