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Discussion id : 13-336
most recent 19 JUL 06 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 18 JUL 06 by Angela M.

I live in the Dallas area and this time of year we are at about 100 degrees every day with NO RAIN at all.  I was out of town about 5 days and my roses didn't get any water.  They are suffering severly.  Aside from regular deep watering, what can I do to help them recuperate?  Should I prune back the canes?  They look a bit yellowed and many of the leaves are dry and falling off.  [They are Angelface, Frag. Lavender Simplicity, a climber and 2 HTs.] HELP, PLEASE!!


Thank you!

Reply #1 of 4 posted 18 JUL 06 by Kim Rupert
We've had some pretty awful heat and weather here in SoCal, too, so I can sympathize! I wouldn't cut the canes on your roses unless they'll sunburning. Modern roses store the starches and sugars they need to grow in the wood. When you cut it unnecessarily, you're taking that stored food away from them prematurely. I found here (Southern California middle desert) that over head watering helps rehydrate dessicated bushes faster. They absorb it through all plant parts. A good, deep soaking, repeated at the frequency your drainage and budget dictates, helps to restore them to productivity. You don't want to feed them anything except water until you see a lot of new growth. All fertilizers are salt, or develop into the salt forms of the nutrients. Your roses are water stressed. Giving them anything salty will remove water from them at a time they can ill afford it. You can actually burn and kill them, so stick with water until you're comfortable they've recovered and are actively growing again.
Reply #2 of 4 posted 18 JUL 06 by Angela M.
Thank you so very much!  Watering I shall do.
Reply #3 of 4 posted 19 JUL 06 by Wendy C

I totally agree with Kim. You can clean up the lost foliage once the roses have recovered.  For now water them deeply and let them rehydrate.

Best of Luck

Reply #4 of 4 posted 19 JUL 06 by Angela M.
Thank you both very much.  I hope I can save them.
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