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Discussion id : 129-862
most recent 30 NOV 21 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 29 NOV 21 by anonymous-4865881
Hello there. I am trying to return to HMF after a long absence. I was a premium member but that will have long since lapsed. I have signed in using my email address and requested a new interim password which I have now signed in with, expecting to find my old account under the name Tomartyr. But I now appear as anonymous-4865881. I wish to access my old details such as member gardens, photographs, comments, favorites etc, but without success although I can still see evidence of some of my photos. I also wish to renew my premium membership. How can I do that, please? Kind regards, Keith Harris.
Reply #1 of 2 posted 29 NOV 21 by jedmar
I believe the issue is that you used a different email address for Tomartyr.
Reply #2 of 2 posted 30 NOV 21 by Tomartyr
You are right. Thank you!
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