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Discussion id : 128-640
most recent 30 JUL 21 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 29 JUL 21 by Joseph Baiocchi
Was not really sure how to get this question out, but thought it would be worth a try to post it here.

Does anyone know if there are companies that an amateur hybridizer could contact to determine ploidy on of their plants? I can see how having that information for plants that prove difficult to work with might be helpful.
Reply #1 of 1 posted 30 JUL 21 by scvirginia
I know that UC-Davis has a program (Foundation Plant Services) for testing for rose viruses, and although they may not test for ploidy, they may be able to tell you if someone else does. I can't provide a link, but you should be able to search using the program name.
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